Chapter 15~ Unforgettable Dance

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

Light music was playing as the day class and night class danced. I had a red headband and red and black dress with tights and black heels. I looked around and stayed alone watching everyone.

Shizuka was no where to be found along with Yuki, Zero, and Kaname. I bit my lip nervously as I thought of bad possibilities, I large hand touched my shoulder as I jumped in fear and shock. I look to my side and saw only blood and I yelped in fear and stepped back. I blinked again and instead of blood Kaien's worried face was in my vision. " Miyuki, are you alright" he asked and I slowly nodded and said " O-of course, sorry for worrying you. Father " he smiled softly and said " Let's dance" I hesitated but smiled and I danced with my father.

We moved in sync and I rested my head on his chest and I said " Thank you, Father " he nodded and said " No, thank you for allowing me to be your father. I'm truly happy to call you my daughter" my smile grew and I said softly " Thank you for making such a wonderful place, I love you, father. Please continue being my precious father" he smiled and I said " Thank you for this dance, but I'm gonna look for Yuki " he looked worried but smiled and let me go.

I walked around the empty hallway until i heard yelling and clanging. I brought bloody rose out and quickly and quietly followed the source. I ended up in front of a empty room and heard Yuki, I felt uneasy but quickly opened the door to see zero shoot his leg. My eyes widened as his blood splattered and my throat tightened in thirst, I saw Shizuka, Yuki, and I man that looked a lot like zero. He fell to the floor as the boy lashed out at Zero and I jumped in front to stop his katana but my dress ripped a little.

He growled and pressed harder and I brought my leg up to hit his leg. He grunted and fell down, I kneeled to zero and his eyes widened and I turn to see the mysterious man's Katana near my neck but a gentle voice said "Ichiru, Stop. Don't hurt her, I will need you to watch over her once I'm gone " Ichiru frowned and said " your not going anywhere, I will protect you " Shizuka looked at him with no expression but I saw sadness and guilt in her light pink eyes. I finally noticed her blood and panicked, Yuki sat there in shock as I said " Yuki help zero and leave"

She protested and said " But what about you, onee-chan" I smiled and said " I'll be fine, but promise me to save me some cake. Okay " she shook in fear and helped zero out. I looked at Shizuka softly and walked toward but Ichiru held his Katana up. " Ichiru" she warned and he stopped, I ran to her and hugged her tightly. " Shizuka run. Kaname must know run so he doesn't find you and take Bloody Rose. Promise me you'll live " she smiled and kissed my cheek like a mother would do to her scared child. "Miyuki, Please just keep living on. I'm happy to have met you, Please don't forget our times together. I hope to meet you again, my dear friend " She softly said as her eyes slowly swelled with tears as she smiled at me and walked out of the room.

I looked at the boy and he looked exactly like Zero, "Ichiru, Let's go find her. I may not know you but I know you care for her. Trust me I'll help you save her " I said and he hesitated but followed me as I followed Shizuka's blood trail. I heard talking and heard " Kaname, please protect her. And Ichiru don't let him die. That's all I ask for " Ichiru was about to walk in and yell but I grabbed him and covered his mouth as tears spilled out of his eyes quickly. " Shizuka i will do my best to fullfil your wish, Please Rest now. I'll end this all " Kaname's voice appeared. My eye widened and glazed with tears, and I heard blood splattered.

Ichiru pushed me and ran in, I got up quickly and saw Kaname licking his hand covered with Shizuka's blood. Shizuka stumbled forward and I catched her as she said in a weak soft voice " Protect the future, Miyuki '' as soon as she said that her body glowed as it started cracking like glass and cherry blossoms circled us quickly and I felt my eyes water with tears. " I'll find you, I promise. When I see you again let's talk about what we found and we'll keep creating new memories. I will never forget the memories we shared. I will find you again, I promise" I yelled in sadness as the blossoms quickened and she smiled and said " Thank you "

She then shattered into pieces and the flowers stopped as a gush of wind hit me. I felt as something just ran into me and I fell to the floor. My eyes slowly closed as I felt my eyes getting heavier. ' Protect the future, Miyuki '

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