Chaper 17~ Because Of You

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

"MISS CROSS!!!" A loud yell made me snap my eyes open and stand up as I looked around and eyes looked at me curiously. "Miss Cross, sleeping in my class again!!" The teacher said and said "Go to the headmaster, he'll surely have a punishment for you"

"It'd be a dream come true to get out of this class" I muttered as I walked out of class groggily. I knocked on the door as I heard a happy 'Come In' I walked in and father looked up and smiled and said "Miyuki, what purpose are you here for" I yawned and walked to his desk but a hard wall made me stumble back. My vision cleared as brown chocolate eyes stared at me curiously.

I stepped back and said "K-Kaname, I'm so sorry!!!" I apologized as he gave me a questioning look and nodded. "Oh, I got kicked out of class" I said and headmaster signed and said "Sleeping again. You, Yuki, and Zero have to pay more attention." I looked away from Kaname to headmaster. "Sorry. Headmaster I was just being dumb" I said as I apologized as his eyes softened as he raised to his feet.

"Miyuki, it's fine you've been through more than any ordinary person should. Now maybe a hug could help." He said as he opened his arms wide as I stared confusingly as I smiled and walked into his arms as his warmth made me feel safer as I smiled softly as I said "Your the best Father" he squealed like a little girl as his eyes sparkled and I laughed softly.

I looked back at Kaname as his gaze softened and I looked away as images of Kaname with Shizuka's blood on him and her dying body on the floor. These images make me wonder if Kaname will someday become my enemy?? I feel his large hand touch my shoulder as I flinch back and take out my weapon, my hands shake as I grip it tightly. "Miyuki.......P-please put that away" Headmaster says with nervousness, I keep looking at Kaname's reddish brown eyes that are filled with shock as I glare at him. He steps forward as pull out my weapon, the door opens when I hear a gasp and footsteps.

A arm wraps around my waist as I hear a clank of metal as I drop my weapon and look at Zero who points Bloody Rose at Kaname with a glare. Yuki gets in the middle and says "Please stop, it was just a misunderstanding. Right Miyuki" I look away from her large brown eyes as I pull away from Zero and leave the room. Am I really afraid of Kaname, he saved me and protected me. He's done a lot for me and I pay him like this. I'm really such a horrible person. 'The real question is if you still trust him? You have no idea what he's done for you, if it weren't for him we'd be devoured by him' I shake when I hear that voice, maybe they're right. I close my eyes when two mismatched eyes stare at me and I open them to see nothing but blood.

I turn around and run into a wall, I stumble back when something grabs my waist. I open my eyes while rubbing my nose, I look up slowly and see a pair of reddish brown eyes. I look away from them as I feel their stare, "I-I'm sorry, lord kaname" I say as I turn away from him. "Lord Kaname?" He questions as he steps forward as he grips my shoulder. ' I'm scared, he'll get me. He'll get me and devour me. He'll find me' a voice says as my head pounds in pain. I shake in pain and fear as I grip my head as Kaname calls my name but I cry out in pain.

He pulls me to his chest as he holds my hands as he says "I won't let go of you this time, never again. I promise you" my eyes fills with tears as I say "Your so cruel" he looks at me as I look at him with tears and say "How could you hold me? Your so cruel" his eyes soften as I place my head against his chest. "You constantly make me feel things I shouldn't, I hate it how every little thing you do effects me so easily. Why do you have this effect on me. Your so cruel" I say with a blush as I squeeze my eyes close .

His large cold hand holds my small one as he says "Your so beautiful, I like seeing your many expressions on your beautiful face. I can't help it, I'm sorry. Your just so wonderful" he intertwines his fingers with me as I look up at him as he smiles down at me and leans closer to me. "I know you've endured so much, so I constantly made you see horrible things to see when you'd break and come to me. But I knew what I was doing wasn't okay and if I told you I knew you'd be mad. I'm sorry, I really am a cruel man" he says as his lips brush over mine.

I already know that my face is red but I can't be mad at him. He was the first person to look at me the way he does. Kaname he's cruel for letting me fall in love with him, big idiot. "Your a big bully but no matter what I do I can't hate you. Kaname your such a good boy, I hope that you find someone who can soothe your pain." I say gently as I move closer to him. He smiles at me with affection as my eyes soften at his cuteness, "I don't feel pain anymore because you already fought all my pain and worries away. Knowing that your happy has made me stronger, your my little soldier" he says and leans closer to me.

He pulls me up as I stand on my tippy toes as I close my eyes waiting for his blissful kiss. Yuki...... I can't. I move and kiss his cheek softly and get back on my feet as I smile at him and say "I can heal from anything, because of you. I can find my way, because of you. I can find you, because your my important person" I kiss his cheek again and smile and walk away.

I'm alive, because of you. Because of you, Kaname.......

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