Chapter 21~ Broken Night

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I layed in the hospital bed as a bandage covered my right eyes as I watch Yuki sleep beside me in the chair. The door creaks open as Kaname walks in with Takuma behind him with the night class. "Miyu-chan​-chan! It's good to know your okay" Takuma says with a relieved smile.

"But I'm not.." I say as I look down at my hands as I remember the vampires piercing red eyes. "I should've been able to protect Yuki, but...I got myself injured and now I may be blind from my right eye forever...And I caused so much trouble" I say as my eyes glazed with tears as they slid down my cheek as my hands shaked violently.

"It's not like that, you where brave enough to to go against a vampire!! Even I would be fearful of your courage but I have faith in you" Hanabusa says as he strokes my hair soothingly. "You are our important friend, so keep your head up" Akatsuki says as I sniffle slightly as I nod as I wipe my tears and say "But I will only bring misfortune, and I don't want to harm any of you.." I look away as more tears fall "Even if you bring misfortune or not, I will continue to protect you. Miyuki-sama you have my word" Seiren says as she bows down as I cry "No..I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Please I can't bear to lose any of you"

"No, we won't ever stop protecting you. Even if all hope is lost we will believe because we have you, and we would never abandon you" Ruka says as rima says "You are our only treasure" Senri signs and says "So we will protect you until our last breath" I sob quietly as my small hands shake as I look down. "I also will protect you, I know I'm weak but I love you and I don't want to ever let you go" A small feminine voice says as warm hands hold mine as large brown eyes stare at me passionately as my eyes soften at my younger sister. "You will scatter and bloom like a rose. You are the only one I see in my world, that is why my heart's belongs to you. I will never stop loving you" a deep voice says as cold hands grip my chin as reddish brown eyes gaze down at me as a red tint colors my cheeks.

He places my hand over his heart as he says "Even after all this time you will be my rose. Your existence burns brighter than the sun and I will do anything to protect you from my world" everyone stares intently as my head falls down as I say "I-I will also protect this world because all of you are here with me! Your all my family and I protect my family, so allow to become your guardian" I look at them as Yuki grips my hand as she smiles with tears in her eyes.

I hear clapping as I see father standing there with Zero as they both smile as father says "That was amazing!!! My wonderful daughter will become a guardian, oh how sensational!!" He dances around as Zero walks to me and ruffles my hair as he says "I will never give up on you, so even if the whole world turns against you I will be the one to chase them away. I will protect our family" I smile as he calls us his family as I nod. "Aww!! Let's treasure this moment!! Say cheese" he says as I smile as the camera flashes.

"Zero come on smile!!" Father says as Zero looks away annoyed as the nurse walks in and ask to take a picture of us all. I smile and me and Yuki hold Zero's cheeks forcing a smile as I giggle. My greatest treasures is my family...

My eyes slowly open as I hear whimpering and see Yuki crying as I walk over to her small form and hug her. She freezes as I feel her wet tears fall onto my shoulder as she grips onto me as she cries into my shoulder.

"Miyuki!! Why!? This isn't right, why do you have to suffer so much!? Tell me, Why? Why couldn't we been born as normal sisters?" She cries as I hold her tightly as she shakes violently as she sobs " we'd never have to worry about vampires or destiny. Or any of this.... We'd love in the same house. Go to the same school, have the same dreams, it's not fair. Why can't we argue about boys and fight over the dumbest things like normal sisters. That's what I wanted for us..Not this" I pull away and hold her cheeks softly and say "Yuki, I love you so much. Having you with me is more than I can ask for, I'm happy being with you I don't need anyone else but you. I love you my adorable little sister"

Her eyes soften as she smiles and hugs me tightly as I hold her close as she says "Forever... Let's be together forever, Miyuki Onee-chan" I smile softly as I close my eyes and hold her close as her warmth comforts me. "I'm sorry" she says as I pull away confused as she says "The way I always got between you and Kaname. I knew you admired him but you wouldn't admit it. I did all this because I wanted you to admit it but it wasn't right of me. I'm sorry" I laugh lightly as she looks at me shocked.

"I thought you'd be furious with me!" She says shocked as I say "I could never be angry with you, but I'm happy that you'd do that for me." I wipe her tears and stand up and say "I'm gonna freshen up, I'll be back. Oh and Yuki thank you for everything. I love you." I say and walk towards the door as I feel a cold breeze. I stop as I hear Yuki cry again as I turn around quickly and see Kaname standing there as the wind blows through the the open window as I watch Yuki run into his arms as she cries and watch as she falls unconsciously into his arm as the door swung open as Zero yells his name.

"You will not betray her" Kaname says as I snap back to reality and say "Kaname, Don't take her from me" I look at him with pleading eyes as he looks sadly at me and says "My heart will always belong to you" my eyes glaze with ears as the wind blows harder and I cover my face as I look at the place he once stood. I feel my knees go weak as Zero catches me as he signs frustratedly. "Miyuki, stay here. I will go find Yuki, please stay here" he says as he lets me go as I watch him close the door as I reach my hand out and whisper "Don't leave..Me"

I feel anxiety stab me with a strong force as I curl up and my hands shake as I feel tears well up in my eyes. The He's betrayed us, and took our treasure. We can't trust him, we have to hide. No, Kaname would not betray me. Even if he did I will believe in the burning feeling inside of me to protect my family. I wipe my tears and stand as I run down the hall to the roof as I clench my fist as I await to see the man that I admire. I burst through the doors as I hear Zero yell. "You've turned Yuki, haven't you" I stop as I hear those words and I feel a broken feeling inside my chest but I blink away the gears and walk forward.

"Kaname, Tell me this isn't true" I say as I feel hopeful but then Yuki runs in front of him and says "No, don't. This man is my older brother" I feel my hope shatter as I stand still and my fangs cover my eyes as I feel wet tears fall down my face. "Kaname, did you betray me?"

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