Chapter 14~ Hurt

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

' As the two lovers laid under the cherry blossom tree in each other's arms, they both died peacefully under that tree with each other. Even with their death their beloved friend could still feel the love and affection under that tree. Love can last for eternity, even when your gone your love will continue to exist '

I closed the page as I finished my book I put it down and went to my book shelf. I was looking for a another book to read when I felt two arms lift me up as I dropped my book and screamed. I saw kaname's warm reddish brown eyes as he was laughing.

I giggled as he spun me around until he tripped on the book I dropped as we both fell on the floor. " Kaname, I'm so glad your here " I said as I hugged him, his arms wrapped around me. " Miyu-chan I came to see you " he said and I blushed and hugged him tightly. " I love you kaname-senpai " I said and he smiled and said " I love you, my love "

My eyes snapped open as zero was sleeping beside me, sweat dripped down my face as I kept remembering that memory. " Z-zero " I said as my throat was dry, zero's head snapped my way as he attacked me with a hug. I was shocked and said " Zero, I'm okay. My body just hurts and my throat is dry "

He smiled and kissed my cheek as he went to get me water. When he left the door, someone else came in and my eyes widened. In front of me was Shizuka, she walked in and sat next to me. " Shizuka.... Where's Maria" I asked and she stroked my cheek and said " She's fine, but are you okay "

I smiled and hugged her, " Shizuka, it hurts. Why does it hurt whenever kaname does something so little. I.. Don't want this anymore, it's painful" I said to her with glassy eyes. She smiled sadly and said " Mizuki something is coming and I need you to be strong. But even when I'm gone I will keep protecting you and be by your side. " I nodded and the door open and Kaname came in. I shook I. Fear as he walked closer to me, " shiz- huh? " I said and looked for Shizuka but she vanished.

He sat on the bed and I avoided his eyes and I looked outside and said " S-sorry for attacking you, senpai. I'll make it up to you, I promise" I refused to call him by his name and he came closer to me and grabbed my chin gently. " Miyuki, don't apologize to me. I was the one that forced you to snap like that, I should be sorry " he said and his soft lips met mine. My eyes widened and I gasped and tried pulling away but he grabbed my wrist. I pushed back and we fell in the bed.

" That was kiss for someone I care " he said and then kissed me again and I slowly gave in as I stopped struggling. He separated and said " that kiss was for someone I loved " a blushed was covering my cheeks and I hit his arm gently " Kaname....stop playing with my feelings" he looked into my eyes sternly and the door open and a clicking sound was heard. " Z-zero stop, please no one has to fight " I said in panic As Bloody Rose was pointed at Kaname's head.

" Get out Kuran, You've already done enough here " zero said in anger and kaname looked at me and his hand touched my head as his hands glowed and my vision got blurry and my eyes got heavier. " It hurts " I said in exhaustion and my body gave in into the darkness.

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