Chapter 23~ They Left

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I gripped my fist as Level E'S look at me with hunger as I chuckle. "I'll never let you have Cross Academy!!" I say as I pulled out my weapon and quickly cut through all of their necks as they turned to dust. "Your really not a little girl anymore, but your still my daughter." A serious voice says as I turn and look at father as his hair was down and his glasses were gone.

"Father? You look so....Cool!" I say slowly as his eyes sparkle and he says "Finally someone has noticed!!" I smile as I hear growls and we both look at the vampires surrounding us. "Miyuki.. I've watched you grow into a wonderful person and I was glad to call you my daughter. But now it's your time to shine and I have to let you go. Go, and find them I'll fight these vampires. Oh I almost forgot.... I really loved all of you, thank you" he said as he hugged me tightly as if he wasn't sure he'd ever see me again. He kissed my forehead and let me go and ran towards the herd of vampires.

"Father!!! I also love you!! Please keep living and then we'll be able to watch the stars together. I'll be waiting for you, father!" I yell as he glances back and smiles. I turn around and run towards the moon dorms as I stop when I see a bright light from the roof. I stop and watch it's beautiful light as it slowly fades as it reminds me of Yuki. I snap out of it and run quickly towards the roof as I hear shouting.

I grip the door knob as I remember Yuki's hungry red eyes. She was hungry for my blood, and she almost devoured me. But even so she's still my family even if she isn't human I'll protect her! I slam the door open and I yelled "Yuki!! I'm here!" Everything stops as her eyes meet mine and her eyes glaze with tears as she smiles. "Onee-chan... You can't be here.. You'll die, and I can't lose you again." She says as I glare at her and say "Wherever you are that's where I'll be because your my sister and I don't ever want to lose you. Your all my family and I will protect you and everyone!" I say loudly as my voice echoes as I step forward and hug her tightly. She stiffens but slowly wraps her arms around me as I smile.

"Just as I thought, your still so graceful. Juri I've been waiting for you" a cold voice says as I stare at the man's mismatched eyes and my own widen. "You are... The little boy!" I say shocked as he smirks and says "So you remember me. You make me so happy, Juri" he says and licks his lips and I step back. "Onee-chan, stay back. This isn't safe" Yuki says and shields me and so does the night class. "No! I thought I told you that I'll protect you too!! I'm strong enough to be by your side" I say as Yuki rolls her eyes.

"Come to me Juri now I can finally hold you" he says as I glare at him. "I'm not Juri I'm me! I'm Miyuki Cross and I will never let you have Cross Academy." I yell at him as he smirks and Yuki runs towards him as she swings a scythe at him as I follow her. She glances back and I grip her hand as she pulls me forward and charge towards the man and my sword pierces his heart and he glares at me. He touches the sword and says "Juri, you've finally come back to me" he cups me cheek and smirks "So wonderful" I look at him and push him as he falls down the roof as Zero follows him.

I turn around and see Yuki watching in relief as I looked at her long hair. "Yuki.... Your hair is longer.. you look adorable" I say as she nods with uncertainty.  Me and her stare at each other intently as I say "You've Always been.....A vampire?" She nods her head as she looks to the floor as I couldn't wrap my mind around that idea. I grip my fist as I suddenly feel anger towards Kaname, Yuki looks at my fist as she holds my hands as she says "Please... Don't blame Kaname. He only did what was best for us." She was taking his side again, but I can't argue against her because he's her brother and.... I'm just a weak human. I look to the floor and feel a lump in my throat form as my mind reacted and I ran from the roof top.

I tripped on the stairs as I stumbled down the stairs and fell to the cold wooden ground as I looked at the stairs I used to climb with Yuki. I didn't move, I was paralyzed with fear of Yuki leaving me. But that means I can no longer walk by her side, I can't be beside.. Kaname. I can't tell him I love him. I closed my eyes slowly as my tears betrayed me and escaped my eyes. My back hurt, and I was cold from Yuki's touch, but I want Kaname to hold me like he used too. I want him to look at me the way he looked at Yuki, but he won't. He doesn't love me and I don't want that. I slowly raised to my knees and remembered Kaname's warm gaze as I wanted him to hold me again.

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