* You have reached a new story

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*You encounter the author of this book. They seem friendly.

*They smile and wave at you, then start to talk.

<[ Would you like to know what you will find? ]

>Yes No

<[ Here, you will see chapters that have you, the reader, interacting with the characters of the game Undertale. ]

<[ Do you know what Undertale is? ]

>Yes No

<[ Good! Because, now, I don't need to give you a lecture of how the game works. That will take ages. ]

<[ If you don't know, another reader that does know will enlighten you. Or watch a play-through, which is better. ]

<[ Before we continue, will you add this book to your library/reading list? ]

Yes Yes No >Already have

<[ Thank you <3 ]

<[ Do you know what's in store in the upcoming pages? ]

Yes >No

<[ Well, this book will have chapters ranging from 100 words to 2000 words. ]

<[ Genres include romance, adventure, platonic relationships/friendship, sadness, random and others. ]

<[ Updates are unscheduled. A lot of chapter drafts are prepared though. ]

<[ Most of the the characters in Undertale will be used, even the ones that you just pass by. ]

<[ I REPEAT: MOST OF THEM. I'll do 90% of them. We'll see. ]

<[ Arrangement of chapters/characters will be according to when you meet them-in game or how it is listed in the wikipedias. ]

*This is a lot of information all at once, do you understand?

Yes No Maybe >Eh

*The author shrugs at your reply.

<[ When I have finished with all the characters, who the chapters will be about will become randomized or posted via most-requested. ]

<[ Some of these will be based of the game, after everything has happened, or some time in life. ]

<[ I will mention any extra things if needed, of course. ]

<[ Obviously, Undertale and the characters belong to Toby Fox. Without him, there would be no game :) ]

<[ OH! And I don't mind comment or vote spams! It shows your support! ]

<[ And, that's it! Go ahead and turn to the next page to start your adventure. ]

*The author spares you.
*You recieve 0 EXP and 21 gold.

*You are left with the book in your hands.
*You have no idea where they left and who they actually are.

*The sight of the nice book fills you with determination.


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Remember to comment, vote or possibly follow! If not, read on. Have a nice day!

+ The official title of this collection of Undertale X Reader "Hearts" was given on January 3, 2017.
+ Minor revisions in all chapters were made on August 13, 2020.

Hearts | Undertale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now