Frisk | Sweater Weather

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"Frisk, wait!" You called out to the child in the striped sweater, them turning back to face you. They gave you a confused look as you managed to catch up with them but then hunched back, your breathing uneven.

"Don't just run off! You know I don't do well in the cold."

Frisk gave you an apologetic smile, lending their hand out to you. You faintly smiled back, taking their hand as the both of you continue to walk through Snowdin.

At the moment, the both of you were trying to find Sans since... actually, you didn't know what reason. Frisk just asked you to come with them to look for him.

Your feet stepped lightly on the snow and you watched as monsters decorated some of the trees and had snowfall fights. It was the season where you get gifts and is very cold.

"HELLO HUMANS! (Y/N). FRISK." greeted Papyrus as you passed by him. He was helping some of the townspeople decorate a tree.

"Papyrus?" You asked.


"Why is there spaghetti on the tree?"

"BECAUSE I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS COOKING THAT MUST BE THE GREATEST DECOR FOR ANY TREE. NO SILLY SHINY THING CAN OVERPOWER IT!" He beamed, showing off his masterpiece which was the plant. The other monsters laughed or shook their head in disapproval.

Apparently, Papyrus thought that spaghetti looked nice on trees. Oh well.

"Ah..." You trailed off as you glanced back at Frisk, who gave you a shrug, "Good luck with that then."

You then remembered.

"Have you seen Sans?"

The skeleton hummed and looked around.


"Frisk needs to see him."

Papyrus turned to the child. The two exchange glances, as if they were having a conversation. You looked at them confused.

After a moment, Papyrus chuckled. "NYEH HEH HEH! WELL THEN, FRISK. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL NOT LET YOUR SECRET-" And with that, the skeleton is cut off by Frisk covering his mouth and shaking their head.

The skeleton nodded and went back to continue his tree.

Your friend pulled you along, heading to the home.

"What was that all about, Frisk?"

They didn't give an answer. You huffed.

*You encounter a free time skip.

The both of you entered the home and were now eating some instant noodles since it was the only other thing besides spaghetti.

As you talked about Frisk's adventures when they first came to Mt. Ebott, the door opened.


"hey frisk, (y/n)." He greeted as he held a wrapped box. You looked at it curiously.

"What's in the box?"

Sans took a look at the box, then at Frisk and then at you. He smiled lazily as the skeleton placed the package on the table.

"tibia honest kid i would've opened it earlier but i wouldn't hear the end from frisk."

Frisk playfully smacked him on the shoulder as he smiled a little wider and then left the house. Possibly off to Grillby's to take a break.

You turned to face the other, then at the gift. It was wrapped in light blue gift wrapping and a small white bow on top.

Awkward silence loomed over as the both of you looked at different things except the both of you. It was only then you felt someone tug on the side of your shirt.

You faced Frisk to see them shyly handing out the present to you. A small blush crept up your cheeks as you took it politely.

"Thanks Frisk... You really didn't have to."

They smiled and waved at you dismissively, as if to say "It's alright."

"May I open it now?"

Frisk nodded.

After placing the ribbon on the table and removing the wrapper, you are met with a brown box. You open the box and giggled.

Inside, there was a sweater that looked exactly like Frisk's. Blue with (favorite color) stripes. You took it out, examined it and put it on excitedly. From the corner of your eye, you could see your friend smiling.

On the bottom of the box, you saw a small note. There wasn't much written but you picked it up and read it.

Toriel helped me make it for you this holiday. I hope you like it.
Frisk <3"

You snuggled into your new piece of clothing; it felt really cozy. Frisk tapped you on the shoulder, and looked at you with a curious expression.

"Do you like it?" They asked with a soft voice.

Smiling faintly, you hugged them saying, "I love it Frisk, thank you."

The both of you enjoyed each others company until a certain skeleton's voice rung through the household.


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