Moldessa, Parsnik and Migospel | Company

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A/N: I was debating whether or not to actually do this chapter since you don't really meet these three in most runs but oh well.


"Look, I don't want to fight," You said as you placed your stick down, your eyes still on the three monsters.

"Honk. HOOONK!" Migospel honked – you guessed – and giggled, pacing around. It thought that the fight is like a performance.

"Hisssss." Parsnik stared at you, the snakes on its head slithering hungrily. You pondered why the reptiles haven't eaten the carrot but then again you fell down a hole you could've avoided.

Moldessa made slime sounds as it wiggled around. You sighed, not contented with their answers.

After falling down the mountain, being helped by Toriel and leaving the area she told you to stay in, you were wandering around like the restless human you were. The purple-hued walls intrigued you and you couldn't help but continue on through the passageways hoping to find secrets.

During your journey, you were walking around the Ruins until you picked up a paper with the name "Frisk". Confused, you tried to find whoever had written this but ended up meeting the three monsters.

You were not 100% sure, but the case may be that they had mistaken you for this Frisk person.

No matter. You faced them with determination.

You decided to deal with Parsnik first, since it seemed the most dangerous. Reminding yourself it was like Vegetoid, who you had encountered a moment before, you patted your stomach.

"Eat your green tasty snakes." It said. Some of the snakes on its head crawled down and went towards you. In the background, you heard Migospel cheer happily. With your reflexes, you dodged most of them until you spotted a green snake. You immediately grabbed it and it disappeared in your hands, you then feeling better.

You saw saw the carrot smile at you then bury itself back into the ground from where it came. You turned to the other two monsters and saw Migospel frown at you.

Now, Moldessa.

It seemed like the monster couldn't decide on a face, seeing it try to make its face like a movie star but then shift apart. You also can't help but feel bad because it couldn't distinguish between a friend or foe due-to-the-fact it attacked it's fellow monsters by mistake.

You approach the slime carefully but it didn't seem to mind. You encouraged Moldessa to try a new look. Its face shifted...

But then it shifted apart.


Small white bullets are launched at you. You are immediately hit as you backed away, clutching your arm in pain. But as you take a moment to rest, the bullets explode into smaller pellets and again you dodged them.

"Okay... Time to look for another approach..."

You took small steps until you were as close as you could be. You reached out to Moldessa and placed your hand on its face. Feeling a vibration along with the sound of a confused gurgle, you adjusted Moldessa's face.

Once you were done, it seemed to be happy with its new look. With a "Hsh..." it jumped away, leaving Migospel.

"Laughter hides the pain..."

You faced Migospel to see the once happy grin was now a frown. The wings behind its back fluttered slowly.

"They cannot worry for me."

You started to feel bad. Migospel did a little dance but it was obvious he wasn't enjoying it.

"Everyone is gone."

. . .

"I'm here."

The monster looked at you and saw your arms stretched out, like waiting for a hug. You heard to sob as it immediately hugged you and surprisingly didn't hurt.

Migospel sighed sadly, let go and faced you with a sad smile. Before you could say anything, it vanished into the darkness of the Ruins.

A little jingle echoed through the corridor as you looked down and saw 11 pieces of gold. You picked them up and placed it in your pouch of gold. The ceiling of the Ruins loomed over you as you feel... determined? You weren't sure.

But from there you continued on.

What you didn't know was at the shadowed area of the corridor, the three monsters were sad to see someone who actually was nice to them leave.

They appreciated your company, didn't they?

- - -

* The 3 Hard Mode monsters, right? And you can only achieve Hard Mode by using the name Frisk.
So with the paper that had Frisk, the monsters saw it and thought you were Frisk.
** You get 4 gold from Parsnik and Migospel and 3 from Moldessa.

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