Lesser Dog and Greater Dog | Not Alone

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A/N: I've been busy and school has already started in my country. :v


The hard winds lashed at you which resulted in loosing your footing a few times. Snow built up on the ground that it reached your knees, making it harder to trudge on. Your teeth chattered and fingers became numb because the cold.

This was another harsh snow storm, the one thing you hated about Snowdin. No one was out, mostly due to this weather and the inhabitants of the village stayed in during this time of the day.

Why were you out?

. . .

Well, you forgot the reason because of how cold you were.

As the winds howled, you held unto your (color) jacket, knowing that it, or possibly you, might be taken away by the storm. That's how strong it was.

You only saw a few meters in front of you but it was only a matter of time until you hit something.

Your legs hit a mound of snow, which was oddly perfectly shaped like a hill.

It was a snow poff.

Wondering as to how it was still intact during this weather phenomenon, you assumed something was within it. After digging into it, you found some gold.

"What will I do with this..." You asked yourself, stuffing it in one of your jacket pockets and continuing. You passed more snow poffs, yet they all contained nothing.

After checking the 7th snow poff, you turned and collided with wood. Stumbling back, you realized it was a hut. Then it hit you could take refuge within, until the storm had died.

It looked small but once you got in, there was a staircase made out of snow leading to a lower area. A basement? A snow basement? Wouldn't the snow collapse and just suffocate anyone below it?

But determination filled you and you made your way down.

There were torches perched on the snow walls which glowed with warm orange light. Some of the things in the Underground was just explained by magic so you assumed that the fire was magical and wouldn't make the snow melt anytime soon.


Once you reached the bottom floor, you looked across to see two dogs clad in armor. Both were (what seemed like) the same species and worked in the same job but one was much bugger than the other. The two were playing a game of poker and the smaller seemed to be winning.


Both of their heads turned to you. A sense of panic crept up as they put down their cards, gaze still fixed on you. Nearby, you notice the weapons – a sword and spear – and you couldn't help but feel that you could get impaled by either if they were aggressive.

Beside the weapons were their shields, which had the names "Greater Dog" and "Lesser Dog." You figured out who was who.

"I-i'm sorry to intrude," you spoke.

"The storm outside was too strong and I happened to find this... place. I hope it's okay--"

You were cut short when the smaller dog came bolting towards you. With no time to react, you let the situation slowly sink in that the it had tackled you down. Lesser Dog didn't do anything after.

Very confused, you and the dog stared at each other for a while. It was awkward and funny at the same time, just seeing the excited face of the animal.

From what seemed like an eternity, you decided to act.

You tried to pet it.

You barely lifted your hand but Lesser Dog barked, got off and sat a few feet in front of you. When you sat up, you were sure his neck got a little longer as you smiled at its excited expression.

You lightly touched the dog. It's already overexcited.

Slightly creeped out and guessing that this would go on forever, you turned to the bigger dog.

Greater Dog apparently was seeking attention, as seen by the constant eyeing of you and the smaller dog, and waited for your command. You called it. It immediately bounded to you, flecking slobber to your face.

You didn't mind it too much, you had pets at home.

The dog sat obediently at your side as you pet it. Greater Dog curled up in your lap as it was pet by you. It gets so comfortable it falls asleep... Then it wakes up! It's so excited!

You made a snowball and throw it for the it to fetch. It splat on the ground, and not that far away. Greater Dog picked up all the snow in the area and brought it to you. How the snow did not cave in was confusing but now the dog was very tired as it rested its head on you.

As you pet the dog, it sunk its entire weight into you and you were unable to move. With a hum, you pet Greater Dog decisively. The dog flopped over with its legs hanging in the air; it was contended.

Pet capacity reached 100 percent.

The company of the two dogs was calming, since it reminded you of your time with your pets. You examined the two dogs that rested near you, both now sleeping peacefully. The storm continued to howl outside, not ending anytime soon.

There was no harm in staying, so you did.

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