Special | New Years!

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A/N: Cheers to the new year!

It's 2016 everyone! Let's make it count!
I hope you all had an amazing 2015 and that what you hoped for last year was accomplished. Personally, this year was great!

I hope you all enjoy the story so far and the same support will be given in the upcoming chapters! Stay determined!


"I bet I can light up the biggest firework tonight, punks!" Undyne shouted, pointing at her firework which was shaped like a fish. It was also larger than any of the other fireworks stationed around.

This made some of the nearby monsters and humans move away in caution. Undyne didn't seem to mind.

"U-undyne, it might be t-too dangerous–"

"There's nothing I can't handle! Watch me!"

You laughed as you lit up a little stick, which then started sparkling. You looked beside you to see Monster Kid holding one with their mouth and Frisk playing around with a couple of them.

It was the New Year; Year 201X. So why not celebrate it.

"IT'S THE NEW YEAR! IT'S THE NEW YEAR!" You heard Papyrus shout, happily going around with those noise makers and flailing his arms. In the background, you see his brother just sleeping under a tree.

"Hello my child."

You turned back to see Toriel, smiling down at you as she knelt to your level.

"Frisk and their friend had left to get more sparklers. What is troubling you?"

Looking over to the area your friends were, Toriel's statement was true. You watched as the two ran back to the house.

With a sigh, you sat down and stared at the sky.

"It's a New Year, Toriel. It's also almost a year since monsters surfaced."

She sat down beside you and pat your head.

"It has been a while hasn't it, child?"

You nodded.

"What has been the best thing that has happened to you this year?"

You took a moment to look around you. Monsters and humans got a long just fine, playing around and minding their own business.

"This." You gestured to the whole area.

"The best thing that has happened to me is meeting... everyone. I wouldn't of known all these amazing creatures and their story. None of you wouldn't be here if Frisk hadn't helped you all.  I know I wouldn't be the same without falling down a mountain."

You chuckled at your last statement, Toriel laughing with your as well.

"hOI EVERYONE!!!!" A voice boomed throughout. Everyone turned their attention to a group of Temmie's and Temmie with a graduation hat, who was the one speaking.


Everyone erupted in cheers.

"Hey! Their firework is bigger than mine-" Undyne yelled, only to be shushed by Alphys.


Once Temmie had finished the sentence, everyone looked at their watches, phones, clocks or whatever device they had to see the time.

Just a few more seconds!


Everyone waited in anticipation, the area going dead silent. You swore you could hear ringing in the deafening silence.


Looking around, each creature had a different expression. Excitement, happiness, calmness,- everyone was different. You can't help but smile.


This was it.





A moment later, the sky was filled with bright lights, crackling sounds and ecstatic cheers. Each creature watched in awe as synchronized and timed fireworks were sent into the sky.

You watched as different shapes appeared. Flowers, stars, animals, some monsters, some names- there was even a spaghetti firework!

Seeing all this happening filled you with determination.

"A Happy New Year indeed."

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