Dogamy and Dogaressa | A New Royal Guard

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"Okay, (Y/N)," Dogamy started, one hand on his long battleaxe and another on his partner's paw. You watched as the two Dogi shared a smile and turn their attention to you.

"This is your first day being part of the Royal Guard! You will be sent to the next guard after 2 days until you are finished with training."

"(Yes, and until you are ready to be on your own you will be trained under our supervision.)" Dogaressa emphasized.

Holding on to your (weapon), you nodded, a confident smile on your face. You have waited a very long time for this day and couldn't wait to get started.

You were a very active person, always bouncing all around the place. Taking in your surroundings, you try your best to not miss a thing. You also liked to wrestle and fight (but not to a point where you'd kill) which also meant you were a friend of Undyne and the both of you hung out a lot.

Recently, the Royal Guard leader had asked you if you wanted to join since she was looking for recruits. You, always wanting to join but never asked, immediately accepted the offer and here you were with the first guards.

"What do I need to do first?" You asked excitedly, as seen by your restlessness. Dogaressa laughed at how optimistic about the first day and motioned her husband to start.

"First, you must know the different smells."

You put your arms down.


* You find a time skip.


"Next, attacks!"

This time, you were filled with determination.

Everything stopped and shifted to black and white, the area becoming an empty void while animate objects were lined with white.

"(Y/N)!" Doggo barked and you turned to him.

"It's either ACT," The male instructed as you took out a stick, keeping your weapon away for now. From the corner of your eye you see the two become excited, probably hoping that you'd throw it to them.

"(Or FIGHT!)" Dogaressa finished, and the two lunged at you with their axes. You dodged their synchronized swings and rolled over to another area, snow coating your clothes.

The two waited for your turn as yourself off. You then noticed that they slowly approached your, noses twitching. The lesson about smells Dogamy had explained came back to you as you allowed them to sniff you.

"What! It smells like... !" Dogamy said.

"(Are you actually a little puppy!?)" cooed Dogaressa, petting you. You also remembered they didn't have the best eyesight – most of the Royal Guard dogs didn't have good eyesight.

Quietly giggling, you lent out your hand and casually pat Dogamy.

"Wow!! Pet by another pup!!" He howled. His partner glanced at him then at you with confusion, and exclaimed that you shouldn't be leaving her out.

You then pet Dogaressa.

"(A dog that pets other dogs... Amazing!)" She gawked, eyes wide in shock and amazement. This time, Dogamy whined.

You shook your head and laughed, knowing that sooner or later they'll figure it out.

You had a long way to go until you were an official Royal Guard.

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