Napstablook | You're My Friend

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Today you didn't have any plans, so you decided to go and visit Napstablook.

Now, the both of you just laid on the floor and listened to the music they made.

As the tunes played in the background, the whole rooms turned into an infinite galaxy. You never understood how this happened and you never will, but it always felt relaxing.

"Hey... (Y/N)..." The ghost called softly. You propped yourself up as the stars faded and faced their direction.

"What is it, Nap?" Napstablook didn't mind the nickname since they knew their name was long.

They opened their mouth to say something, but then faltered when they faced the other direction.

"It's nothing..." The ghost trailed off, facing the computer. You frowned a little and stood up, walking to them.

They didn't notice you approach them only until you stood beside them. Napstablook turned to their left and saw you looking at their screen, but then looked at their direction. They quickly looked back at the screen.

"Is there something wrong? Is it me?" You asked worriedly. The ghost shook their head.

With a sigh, they started, "I just don't understand why you hang out with someone like me... I'm boring and you're friends with technically... everyone..."

"You're my friend; Napstablook. I hang out with you because I like to. Sometimes Undyne and Papyrus can be a little too rowdy for me." You chuckled, the ghost smiling a little.

"I'm glad that you're my friend." You finished with a grin.

A moment later, Napstablook floated to the door.

"Want to try and play Thundersnail?"

*After the game. . .

You had encouraged your snail too fast. It got overwhelmed and flipped itself so the other snails won.

Watching your snail attempt to get up filled you with... less determination than any other moment.

You laid your back against the wall, fiddling with your phone. The ghost watched you quietly.

"(Y/N)... about what you said earlier..."

You turned to them.

"I'm glad you're my friend."

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