Froggit and Whimsun | I'll Always Come Back

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A/N: Secondary character chapters may be shorter than those who are main characters. The bold-italicized words are the (yellow) words you see in the credits.


"Ribbit." [What are you doing back again, (Y/N)? The other humans will fight you if they see you here with us.] Froggit ribbit-ed at you, a sad glint in its eyes.

"Oh no, (Y/N)," Whimsun sniffled, "You shouldn't be here... with us..." And later, the monster broke down, small droplets dripping down its cheeks.

You sat down and leaned your back on the alleyway wall. You pat Whimsun as it cried and Froggit hopped beside you.

It's been rough for some of the monsters during the past few months. A few are unable to communicate or fit in with the humans and therefore cast away. The alleys and abandoned areas were where you found most of them.

"I come back to check on you." You mentioned, gesturing to some of the others walking around.

"I'm here to help you. You all can fit in."

"Croak!" [That's easy for you to say. Others like Astigmatism and Vegetoid got in and are welcomed.]

Whimsun calmed down a little, only for it's words to come in hiccups.

"Yeah... The other humans d-didn't give us a chance..." And with that, it hyperventilated. You stroked its wings, its breathing then returning to normal.

"You promised me you'll be Getting Braver Everyday right, Whimsun?"

"And you Froggit, you will be a Professional Frog. Am I wrong?"

The two shook their heads, for they have once told you the same words.

"Ribbit, ribbit..." [But I am not sure to as why some humans treat us this way. Are we not being nice?]

You pat Froggit as its eyes turned more sad. All the time underground and in the Ruins, they hoped for freedom in the overworld. But now, they are repaid like this.

"Everyone is different..." You trailed off, hearing loud voices of angry people from the entrance of the alleys. You stood up and dusted off dirt on your clothes. Turning to the two monsters, Whimsun tackled you.

"Will you come back tomorrow (Y/N)?" The fairy-like creature asked, hope lacing its words. You felt something brush on your leg. You turned your attention to Froggit looking up at you.

"Ribbit?" [Will you?]

Smiling, you knelt down to their level and hugged the two.

"I will."

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