Grillby | Nostalgia

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* A/N: I apologize for basically leaving this book and placing it on an unannounced hiatus?

I haven't had inspiration for a oneshot or for this book altogether, but I do hope to complete it by having a chapter for each character in Undertale.

Until then, thank you for your patience and support! This book is currently at 43.9k reads and I'm glad people are still reading this.

* OC: Kazeru the Wandering Feline belongs to me. He's a UT OC mainly for the sake of this oneshot book so you'll be seeing him around here.

* Note: My apologies for typos and errors. I only reread a few times to check.


"hey grillby, you look a little dim," Sans noted. The fire monster looked at the skeleton questioningly.


"and i'm not saying that just for the jokes, but i think your light's less bright than usual. pretty worried for ya, pal."

The bartender gave a quiet sigh and continued to clean the glass he held. Sans hummed in discontent. He knew the monster was quiet and collected, but the mood of the bar just wasn't the same if the owner himself felt down.

"we can talk about it," Sans offered, taking a swig at the ketchup bottle Grillby had given him a moment before, "i'm all ears."

Grillby gave him another look.

"yeah, okay, i know i don't have ears but you get what i mean."

The monster placed the glass down and excused himself for a moment, walking to the fire exit. Sans waited patiently as he listened to the chatter of those who enjoyed their time in the diner. The Royal Guard were on one side, the weird fish-like creatures were on the other, some more monsters were relaxing – same old, same old, really.

"Hey, buddy!"

The skeleton snapped out of his daze as he looked around. He felt a presence in front of him so he looked down to see a little, aquamarine cat monster that had white markings and golden yellow eyes. The cat peered up at him with gleaming eyes. The creature wore a tattered, dark purple cloak lined with scriptures over with the hood their head. On his back was a white backpack.

"haven't seen you around before."

"I'm Kazeru! Kazeru the Wandering Feline, at your service!" He chimed, tail swishing around.

"what's up?"

"Nothing much, just doing my job delivering messages all over the Underground and Human World! I'm here to deliver a letter to Grillby! Do you know where the fella is?"

"he went there," Sans pointed to the door. The cat jumped on the counter and whistled, tapping his foot. He sighed, slung over his backpack and started rummaging through it.

"I see! Well, I'm in a hurry so could you just give this to him when he comes back? Thanks!" Kazeru handed the skeleton a red letter with black writing that he couldn't read properly. Before he could ask what it was about, the little monster scurries off and out of the diner. At that moment, Grillby came back.

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