Loox, Vegetoid, Migosp and Moldsmal | Caretaker

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A/N: Have all four because I can do that. I know they don't appear all together in-game but eh.


"Loox, put Moldsmal down. Migosp, stop trying to eat Vegetoid." You groaned, watching over the monsters. They didn't listen.

Since you needed some extra money to pay off some debts, you worked as a caretaker for both humans and monsters. Most of the time it was children, but now...

You had to watch over four annoying monsters who wouldn't even bother to face you, much less listen.

"STOP!" You shouted and they all halted, immediately running over to you (except Moldsmal, he had to hop over) and sat down.

"Alright," You huffed. "I have an hour to spend with you four and for the past 20 minutes all you have done is ignore me."

They all looked down, ashamed. You can't help but feel bad.

"Listen, I'm not sure why your families asked me to look over you seeing that you can take care of yourselves but..."

Ring ring! Ring ring!

You trailed off when the phone from the other room started to ring. You told the monsters to stay where they were and proceeded to the room.

The four sat together in silence as they thought about what they could do while you were gone.

Vegetoid then jumped, showing that the carrot had an idea. The other three looked at it curiously as Vegetoid went over to a cabinet with art supplies.

* The call was probably 10 minutes long.
* The author skipped the call.

When you walked back to the room where the others were, you see the group huddled together. Around them, crayons and papers were littered around.

Going over to their area, Loox saw you and immediately hid whatever it was working on behind its back. The other three did the same.

"What are you all hiding?" You said with a smile as the monsters exchanged glances.

A moment later, Moldsmal slowly approached you and pushed a piece of paper near your feet. You picked it up and saw a little crayon drawing of the slime monster and you.

You faced Moldsmal only to be met with three other papers. They had you and each of them.

Smiling, you collected the papers and patted each one of them.

"I love it, thank you."

Loox, Vegetoid and Migosp smiled. Moldsmal jumped happily, very proud of its work.

"Now, come along. It's time for a nap."

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