Special | Happy Holidays!

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all get gifts, food and all the nice things you can get!


It was the 25th of December so humans were celebrating for the day. The monsters, who also celebrated the day (but under a different term), had fun.

You snuggled up in a sweater Toriel had made for you with hands in mittens and a cup of hot chocolate beside you. Looking out the window and seeing different families (both monster and human families) around...

It filled you with determination.

A moment later, your phone rang along with a personal ringtone Napstabalook made for you. You took out your phone to see a pre-recorded message from Alphys.

"H-hey (Y/N)..!" You heard her voice stutter. "I w-was wondering if y-you wanted to hang o-out with us — U-undyne, Frisk-k, and some o-others at the park t-today?"

You listened to a moment of inaudible murmurs and Alphys panicking if she explained it right or not.

"Toriel, Papyrus and Undyne p-prepared s-some food if we get hungry and we m-may play some g-games–"

You later heard a crash in the background then a squeak from Alphys as she said a quick "B-bye!". The call ended from there.

Thinking you really didn't have any plans for the rest of the day, you decided to head out.

*You found a free time skip.

"HUMAN! WOULD YOU CARE TO HAVE THE 'SNOWBALL FIGHT' ?" Papyrus called to you from the other side of the field, holding up a snowball.

You placed the carrot on the snowman you and Frisk were working on then turned to Papyrus.

"Why not?" You said, motioning Frisk to join you. They smiled and nodded, then making snowballs.

"Frisk is on my team!" You called back to Papyrus. After a moment, you see Sans lazily walking around.

"Sans!" You called to the skeleton who looked at you with a confused expression.

"We're having a snowball fight! Pick a team!"

The skeleton looked over to his brother's side, then to yours. With a shrug, he walked over to Papyrus who was preparing snowballs of different sizes.

"Did I hear 'fight'?!" Someone shouted and you all turned to see Undyne.


"Huh? A snowball fight? What kind of lame game is that?"

"I-it's a g-game where t-teams throw ball-shaped snow to the opposing t-team. If a team g-gives up or their 'fort' is destroyed, the other team w-wins." Alphys explained.

"Snowballs? Destroying forts? I can do it! Alphys and I are one team then!" Undyne shouted, then pulling a rather reluctant Alphys.

You watched as the fish-like monster pulled the reptilian away and started their snow fort. You turned to Sans and Papyrus to see their fort nearly finished.

A moment later, Frisk tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to them as they gesture the really nice fort they made around your area.

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