Toriel | Good Talk

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A/N: If you haven't noticed, some of these are going to be platonic unless romantic ones are requested.


"Do you like the cinnamon-butterscotch pie, Frisk?" Toriel asked Frisk, who was seated beside you. They smiled and nodded happily, taking a bite of the said pie. She turned to you and asked the same question.

"It's delicious!" you beamed happily. She smiled at you and continued to fix whatever needed to be fixed.

At the moment, you and Frisk were invited by Toriel to stay at her home for the afternoon.

As the three of you enjoyed each others company until Frisk received a call. When they were done, they explained that they needed to go. After a few goodbyes and hugs, Frisk left.

Now, you and Toriel sat at the table in awkward silence. No words were spoken, the air felt suffocating and the silence rang in your ears.

Has there ever been a time in your life even more awkward?

Probably. But you couldn't think of any.

"(Y/N)," Toriel called you, you then immediately looking up at her. She gave you a warm smile and shook her head lightly.

"Do you still remember the first time..."

She stopped for a moment, letting out a sigh.

"The first time you fell into the mountain?"

You nodded your head.

"I'll be honest but I miss my little home in the Ruins," Toriel chuckled a little, "Even if it did get very lonely as each child left..."

"How about you, (Y/N)? How did you feel about the underground?"

You hummed and tapped your fingers on the wood table, deciding your words. A lot did happen and a lot has passed, so you had mixed emotions.

"I really liked- or still like the underground."

Toriel nodded at your answer but then turned away. You looked at her, confused.

"What's wrong, Toriel?"

She walked to a desk and picked up a frame. You stood up and walked to her, then examined to see the picture that contained her, Asgore, Asriel and the first human.

"I miss my children, (Y/N)... Asriel and the human... They were really something."

Sniffling sounds came as you glanced at her, little tears forming. You couldn't help but feel sorry; she lost a lot in one night.

Right then and there, you hugged her.

Toriel was taken aback, but then returned the gesture.

"Thank you," She wiped a tear away, "I shouldn't look into the past so much, we have a life to live."

You smiled at her as Toriel placed the frame down on the table.

"Papyrus and Undyne invited us to spend some time together," She lent out her hand to you so you happily took it.

"Then let's go!" You beamed, the both of you walking out.

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