Monster Kid | Friends Gotta Stick Together

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A/N: Apologies for the lack of updates. I have school and it's taking every bit of my time.


"I know you're a kid because you're wearing a striped shirt!"

You looked down and did see your shirt had some (color) stripes. With a laugh, you told them that you were a little older than just a kid. To this statement, Monster Kid gasped.

"That's not true!! Yo, believe me when I say you're a kid! If not a kid physically, then a kid at heart!"

Well, as much as that may be true, you considered yourself pretty grown up. This you told Monster Kid but the they just rolled their eyes. You noticed that there weren't many children for them to play with, so you guessed that why they followed you through Waterfall.

"How old are you anyway?"


"You're still a kid!!"

You dismissed them as you passed Sans's sentry station, which was - as expected - empty. The skeleton was usually on break by this time.

Passing the waterfall that had rocks dropping down, the pitter patter of water from the ceiling and your footsteps were the only sounds that echoed through the cave system.

Well, besides the constant chattering of the monster beside you.

Monster Kid went on and on about many topics, which all linked to each other and passed one after the other. One moment they were talking about the Echo Flowers, then Undyne, then school then about fighting then back to Undyne. You made a mental note that the fish lady was their idol.

Soon, you got tired to their noise. 

"Monster Kid," you started, and they looked at with a joyous gleam in their eyes.

"Could you keep quiet for a little bit? We can enjoy the serenity of waterfall in peace."

The monster pouted but obliged.

The two of you passed through Waterfall in silence, just as you had requested. With a faint smile, you peered over to Monster Kid who was humming to themself.

The memory slowly came back to you; the memory of when you met this quirky kid.

< < <


You looked back to see a yellow dinosaur-like monster run up to you. Before you could greet back, they tripped on something and fell on their face. You ran up to them in worry.

"Hey, be careful!" You sighed, helping them get up. The monster shrugged off the snow from their face and gave a wide grin.

"You're the new human, right?"

"Yeah, I just came a few days ago."

"Awesome!! The people around Snowdin were talking about a new human. It's nice to meet you!"

You smiled, feeling good about their contagious happiness. You also didn't expect anyone looking for you.

"Hey!" They beamed, "Underground is pretty cool! You gotta check around- Oh! I can show you around!"

Thinking over the things you could do, going around and knowing the place was better than getting lost. You obliged as they jumped in glee, pushing you from the back.

"Let's start with the shops! There's a really nice lady that gives me free sweets!"

> > >

It wasn't an eventful first meeting but the rest of the day included you both getting some Cinnabuns, eating Nicecream, adventuring and talking about your experiences as a human and their story as a monster in the Underground.

"Yo, (Y/N),"

You looked over to them and felt something drop on you. Looking up, it started raining – if that was even the correct term in a cave underground.

"I got an umbrella for you since you looked like you were thinking of something." said Monster Kid as you realized their held the handle with their mouth. With a giggle, you took the umbrella and used it.

The little adventure continued with small chatter and conversations. Soon, the both of you reach a statue illuminated by a light, hunched over and arms hugging its legs. It looked really sad with the water just dropping on it. You placed your umbrella on the statue, hooking the handle on one of its arms. From there, a little tune started playing.

"That's a neat tune!!" Monster Kid commented, bobbing their head to quaint music box tones. You tapped your feet in tune as well.

"Won't you get sick or something, yo?" The yellow monster asked in worry.

You held in your (shirt/jacket/sweater/etc) and shook you head.

"It's cold but I don't usually get sick." You reassured them. Monster Kid smiled back and the two of you continued.



"You're really cool, you know? Giving your umbrella to the statue. You always help others!" Monster Kid said. You looked at them and even if they didn't look at you, you saw the smile they held.

"Like when I helped you the first time we met?" You asked.

"Oh, yeah!" They laughed, "I'm pretty clumsy and I fall when I run..."

"But it's alright." You said, your companion stopping to look at you in confusion.

"I'll be there when you fall." You finished, a wide smile on both of your faces.

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