Special | Feel Special!

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You were walking around the skeleton's home since Papyrus had invited you for dinner. It was nice of him.

As you passed Papyrus's door and were now heading to Sans's room, you hear something crunch under your foot. You looked down so see a paper. Looking around, you were sure that wasn't there before.

Picking it up, the front said:


Well then.

You opened it and proceeded to read.

"If you are reading this,"

"You just wasted your time."

. . .


"i told you they'd fall for it."

Frustrated, you look downstairs to see the skeletons laughing. Trying to stay mad but failing, you cracked a smile and laughed with them.


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A/N: It's funny how this occasion slipped out of my mind oops. Have this part I made in 10 minutes. But yo, (late?) April Fools. :')

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