Nice Cream Guy | Treat Yourself Just Right!

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A/N: What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine's either chocolate chip or vanilla.
Not sure if this counts as romantic or just platonic, but I guess it's your choice to decide.


"Ah, business isn't doing so well," The vendor sighed as he leaned on his cart. He looked around for any signs of life. Alas, there was none.

Sulking to himself, he stared at nothing in particular. When was the last time he got a customer-

"Excuse me, are you selling something?"

He lazily opened one eye and immediately jumped, grinning. A customer! Who was also a human.

"Why yes! I am selling Nice cream, the frozen treat that warms your heart. 15g for one!" The monster beamed happily. You looked through your wallet and as you did, you didn't notice the smiling face of the seller as he waited for you; Nice cream Guy wasn't in a rush.

Taking out 15 gold and handing it to him, the rabbit politely took it and gave you a Nice cream. You took a hold of the treat and smiled, the monster smiling back at you. Even if there wasn't much conversation, the both of you enjoyed each others company.

"I'll be back tomorrow." You said. Nice cream guy's ears perked.


"Yeah. I mean, if I'm allowed to." You said sheepishly, eating the Nice cream. He eagerly nodded and said that it was okay for you to come back. Waving goodbye, you walked away as the male happily waited for your return.

What he didn't see was you looking down at the wrapper and smiling at the little note:

'Is this as sweet as you?'

* You find a free time skip.

You were checking your wallet, making sure you had more than 15g to buy some Nice cream. Honestly, you didn't have that much of a sweet tooth but something was different about Nice cream. It was probably how it makes you feel, ironically, warm inside and somewhat made you feel happier.

Traversing through the snow with ease, you saw the rabbit just up ahead handing cones to two sentry dogs. You didn't know dogs were allowed to eat sweets, but they have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. You weren't anyone's boss.

"Hello!" You beamed, making Nice cream Guy jump in surprise but relax once he saw you. You apologized saying that you didn't mean to scare him. He placed a hand on his chest as he breathed out.

"It's fine, you just gave a little scare."

"Aren't the monsters supposed to scare the humans?" You joked. He laughed a little with you as he took a cone and handed it to you. You exchanged it with the gold as the both of you sat down on the snow.

Removing the wrapper, you read the little compliment within it:

'You look nice today!'

"I didn't get your name from yesterday."

"Oh, really?" You laughed and he found it cute, "I'm (Y/N). Your name?"

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