* Thank you.

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* You find a note. The note reads as follows:

Hi, this is the Author. It's been a hot minute, huh?

The last update of this book was in 2016, and it's been 6 years since then.

Suffice to say, I have lost interest in writing for this x Reader book. I will not be finishing my plan of writing a chapter for each character, even if I had actually half-drafted 10+ chapters in advance. Those will be left to collect dust.

Undertale still has a special place in my heart because of many reasons, but my interests lie elsewhere. I don't even write or read x Readers these days, funnily enough.

I would like to thank every single person that's dropped by and supported this little endeavor. Whether it be through comments, votes, or even just viewing it. I've read every piece of feedback in the years that this has been up, and I appreciate every single one of them.

Maybe one day, when I get to Deltarune, this book can get a special little return chapter or a whole new book can be written. But until then, this book is properly finished and I don't have to wonder too much about it.

I hope you've all been well in the last years. In ao3 author fashion of really wild updates, I'm nonbinary, married to my best friend, and a casual streamer who gets to draw and play games a lot. Life gets a little better, folks.

Anyway. I wish you all well in whatever you plan to do, and maybe I'll see you on my actual socials if any of you somehow find me. Take care. ♪

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