Snowdrake, Icecap and Jerry | Fresh Static Snow

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Clutching your jacket and adjusting your scarf, the cold still nipped at you and the winds brought your hood down. There was pretty strong snow storm and you were reaching the middle of it. But why were you out?

You had lost something and were now determined to try to get it back.

Seeing your breath because of the cold, you felt your lips getting colder and the thought of possible hyperthermia constantly poked at the back of your head. Snowdin was still a long way and there is a good change of getting lost due to your bad sense of direction and the storm.

Teeth chattering, you now decided to try and take shelter. There was really no way of determining the time of day, so it wouldn't really matter if it seemed like you were gone for an hour or maybe a couple of days.

Now that you thought about it, it would be sad if no one realized you were gone.

Quickly finding an area with enough cover from the storm, you crawled under the leaves of the pine trees and breathed out in relief. After collecting some wood and fortunately making a fire, you curl into a ball to contain some body heat and wait.

A moment passed it turned out others also thought the storm was too much.

Snowdrake cautiously walked into your little abode and sat across you. You smiled faintly and waved at it, the monster then smiling back at you but then turned to the fire.

"Want to hear some jokes?"


The two of you casually shared jokes and bonded. It turns out Snowdrake wanted to be a comedian, its father didn't believe it could reach it dreams and that its mother hasn't returned in the past few years. You reassured the monster and Snowdrake promised to make a joke in dedication for you.

"Well, that was nice (Y/N)," Snowdrake laughed, stretching and shaking off some snow. It explained that it needed to take its leave and continued sharing its jokes with the world. You gave it a thumbs up as it disappeared into the storm.

Alone once again, you proceeded to draw and create things using the snow as you waited for the blizzard to calm down.

*You encountered a time skip.

"Hey you!"

You looked up tiredly to see Icecap impatiently tapping its foot on the snow. You looked at it oddly as it looked at you and then fixing it cap, implying that it and it's hat needed some attention.

"Uh, your hat's nice?"

Icecap dramatically brought its head back and placed a hand on its forehead, boasting, "OF COURSE! It's MY hat!"

Sighing, you brought your body closer to yourself and stared at the snow below you. The snow seemed to get stronger as time passed and spending time with a narcissistic monster isn't your cup of tea.

"HELLO? My hat is up here!!"

"Come on, look here!"

"My hat is beautiful isn't it? Look at it!"



Icecap angrily approached you and realized you fell asleep. Enraged even more, they started to have a fit worth 4 paragraphs on why you should've paid attention to its hat. What it didn't know was that you have been freezing for the past few hours and are really exhausted.

Not wanting to deal with it, you cut Icecap off and shoved the cap off Icecap. The hat safely landed on the snow as the monster stood there in shock.




"(Y/N) (L/N), (age), (gender), (hair color), (eye color), (height), and on the verge of hyperthermia to which I must place my attention to rather than your hat. Sorry, Icecap."

The fire was slowly dying and you were too tired to try and get wood. Icecap's expression softened and it watched as you looked down on the ground once again.

Realizing all it has been doing was boasting and not even bothering to help your poor soul, it placed its hat on your head and went to look for some wood.

You felt a weight on your head and looked up to see the hat. You thought it would freeze your brain but surprisingly it supplied some heat and the hat was comfortable. Watching the monster collect sticks for the fire filled you with determination.

*You encountered a time skip.

After the monster had helped with the fire, they took their leave and left after fishing some compliments from you - mostly about how helpful or strong it was and being considerate to help a human.

You then remembered about why you were out: to find something. With a sigh, you decided that there was probably no way for you to find it and that you had no time to dig through mounds of snow.

You looked out of your 'cave' and saw the snow was lighting up. Before you could get up and leave, a figure blocked the way and you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread after being kept in such a small space for a long time.

Your eyes adjusted and you saw Jerry. Shifting your weight uncomfortably, the monster sat beside you and... just sat there. You tried to start up a conversation but every time Jerry replied with just short answers or didn't answer which made everything very awkward.

Watching him messily eat some white powder, you slowly scooted away. You looked outside to see that the storm had fortunately ended and that you were free to leave.

The both of you stayed there for a couple of minutes until, when Jerry wasn't looking, you quietly crawled out and jogged away  to the direction of Snowdin.

• - •

"Where have you been, (Y/N)?" Grillby asked and you plopped on a seat. The fire monster handed you (fries/burger) and a glass of water.

"Long story."

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