CHAPTER NINE: Professor Potter

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The following day, immediately after lessons, the DA group gathered in the Room of Requirement. Harry stood at the very front of the room and silenced the class once everyone who had signed up had arrived.

"To start off I suggest we practice some simple spells; blocking and disarming. It might seem too basic but we need to ensure everyone is on the same page and there's always room for improvement, right?" He turned to Lucy who was near the front. "Lucy, will you help with my demonstration for a moment?"

"Sure," Lucy nodded and took out her wand. She stood at one end of the room at the front, as per his instruction, and he stood at the other. Lucy gulped, Defence Against the Dark Arts had always been Lucy's weakest subject. She was much better at Potions, being the Potions Masters daughter and all. She grew up making Potions with her father and he'd been impressed at how quickly she caught on, smiling as at six years old she'd already mastered the basics. She'd stand on a stool and wait for him to inspect the contents of her cauldron and he always praised her work, impressed at his child prodigy. He'd then take her down to the muggle sweet shop as a reward and told her to get whatever she wanted, even though she knew everyone always stared at Snape because of his black robes. But he didn't care so long as his daughter was happy.

"Use any spell you want," Harry announced, pulling her back to reality. "I'll block it, then if you succeed to block my spell I'll send someone to take my place."

"Alright," Lucy could feel herself start to panic a little, she had stage fright that was for sure. But the sooner she did it the quicker it would be over with. She prepared herself and then yelled: "Expelliarmus!"

Harry blocked the spell with ease then retaliated quicker than Lucy had been expecting. "Stupefy!"

Lucy blocked it in the nick of time and everyone applauded.

Harry joined in and then turned to Fred. "Fred, do you want to take my place?"

'Ugh,' Lucy thought.

"Absolutely," Fred replied and took to the front of the room.

"Expelliarmus!" Lucy yelled before Fred had readied himself, he tore his wand from his pocket and blocked the spell.

"Feisty," Lee Jordan chuckled, causing everyone around him to laugh.

'Yeah, she's mad alright,' Fred thought to himself.

He prepared himself, he wanted to use a particularly nasty spell in retaliation and hope she didn't block it. Except, it wasn't Lucy's fault he felt this way, his expression softened and he used an easy spell

"Expelliarmus!" He said as calmly as possible.

But Lucy wasn't ready, by the time she'd registered the spell was coming her way it was too late. It hit her in the chest and she flew backwards and hit her head. She sat up awkwardly and rubbed the back of her head, when she removed her hand and it returned covered in blood.

Fred cursed under his breath, before he knew what he was doing he was running towards her. He knelt down and saw she was trying to hide some tears, probably a little in shock from the impact.

"Merlin's beard, are you alright?" Fred whispered, his eyes wide.

"Fine," she huffed and tried to stand up. But Fred grabbed hold of her before she fell to the floor again, he knew she'd faint before too long; she hated the sight of blood. The whole room watched on and Harry distracted them by getting them into pairs and asking them to practice the exercise.

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