~Chapter thirty three: Faith~

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Lucy's point of view 

We arrived at Spinners end and then I rushed inside with dad due to the fact it was starting to snow. I entered the kitchen and on the dining table dad had set up a meal for two (as he usually did). I gasped he had cooked all my favourite things for dinner...

"For us?" I asked as he entered the kitchen

"For us" he replied taking off his cloak and pinning it on a hook and sitting down afterwards. I sat down opposite him and began to eat

"I heard you and that Granger girl got into a fight..." Dad chuckled silently

"Yeah, sorry dad" I smiled

"That's alright that would explain your black eye then, and oh - " he looked at my cheek and cringed "did I do that?" 

"Yeah but it doesn't matter it's only a bruise that will heal"

"I still feel bad about it..."

"Don't worry!" I smiled "besides I just tell everybody it's my mark of bravery from beating up Hermione!"

"Why were you fighting with her anyway?" Dad asked with a frown, oh great i'm stuffed...

"OH!" I exclaimed "I was uh fighting with Hermione because I er, she said that I was poor! And I couldn't afford I firebolt!" I lied 

"She said you were poor? Well don't listen to her, we have much better standard than that filthy mud blood!" Dad declared

"Dad!" I gasped "we're only half-blood! Only one higher than Hermione!"

"But still..." Dad muttered

We ate in silence after that, looking at each other ocasionaly waiting for the other one to speak. After a while I had eaten my meal and found myself staring out the window. Did I just see - ? No it can't of been! 

"What are you looking at Lucy" Dad asked setting down his knife and fork on top of his now empty plate

"Nothing dad, thought I saw something but I didn't" I shrugged staring at my empty plate. For some reason I longed for more food but even if I did have it I wouldn't have the energy for it  

Now that I think about it me and dad seem to be having more and more awkward conversations it's as though we want to avoid each others company but can't bring ourselves to it. I mean one minute I would love to be with Fred, but when i'm with him I deeply miss dad. What is wrong with me?! 

Suddenly dad got up, he lazily waved his wand and the plates and cultery were washed and placed neatly inside the cupboards. He then went into the living room and I absent mindedly drummed my fingers on the table. I gazed out the window again and my eyes bored into the dark sky covering the road called 'Spinners end' 

I had lived in Spinners end all my life and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. This was the place where I grew up as a child (well I still am if you think about it) where my own father raised me without the help of my mother. 

Most people fear the potions master (well I did only a few days ago) but to me I have always known him as my father, the one who loves me. Yet there is something that tells me these days that there are some things he doesn't wish to share with me despite the fact i'm his own daughter.

Just then something distracted me from my train of thought, I saw the thing I thought I saw last time and it was trying to climb up the wall. I frowned and watched it scrabbling at the bricks despratley trying to climb up as though determined to do it.

I laughed silently to myself but stopped immediatley as dad stepped in the room again carrying presents, I frowned at him, he really shouldn't buy me presents there's nothing I really wanted or needed. He placed them on the table and I just stared at them.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now