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After lessons, Lucy found Hermione and they went to the library together, favouring their usual spot near the restricted section as it was almost always quiet there apart from the occasional book that screamed from the bookcases behind bars.

Lucy explained to Hermione the easiest way to make the fever potion from earlier and she vigorously took notes to help her in case it came up in the O.W.L exam. Hermione finished off the sentence on her parchment before making it into the perfect scroll to fit in her bag.

"So you and Fred," Hermione said out of the blue as she closed the flaps on her bag. "You seem to be getting on quite well again."

"He seems to be over whatever he was stalling on," Lucy shrugged, remembering Fred's timid expression when he couldn't even force himself to say the word kissing in the same sentence as their names. It made Lucy think of her own dream but she kept her face expressionless.

"I always thought the two of you were excellent friends, you seem to have gotten on so well ever since you showed Crabbe and Goyle who's in charge and Fred was delighted at the sight."

"George is my friend too," Lucy added. "He found the whole situation entirely amusing and I think he was the one who got talking to me first."

"Right but last year and the Yule Ball really sold it to me, that you and Fred were..."

Lucy didn't listen to the rest of what Hermione said, she was suddenly caught in a flashback of last year at Christmastime...


"Oh that's a gorgeous dress," Hermione had gasped at the sight of Lucy after she'd asked her for help zipping it up. She wore a red dress with capped sleeves and the skirt was the same length as Hermione's except it sparkled in the light what with all the glitter covering it.

"But yours steals the show," Lucy gestured to Hermione's lilac dress, she'd never seen her friend so happy it was as if she'd suddenly become a lady the moment she put it on.

Hermione turned shy. "I'm glad you like it, I'm so nervous to see what everyone else thinks of it but my mother insisted I'll look stunning when she sent it. Where did you get yours?"

"I made it myself, I've been working on it for sometime as I wanted to represent Gryffindor pride precisely," Lucy held the skirt in her hand and watched it swish as she manipulated it.

"I can't believe no one asked you to go with them," Hermione's shoulders slumped. "I'm sure if I asked Viktor he'd know someone who'd want to dance with you."

"My father was adamant he didn't want to find a date and so asked me if I'd dance with him to save some embarrassment."

"But still, if you need someone after you should come and find me."

Lucy took Hermione's hand. "Come on, let's go show everyone how beautiful you look."

Hermione grabbed the red lipstick off of Lucy's vanity and touched it up a little for her. "And you."

They headed out of the girls' dormitories, out of the common room and down the moving staircases hand in hand as they spoke excitedly about the prospect of dancing. When they reached the stairs that led to the entrance hall Lucy pushed Hermione gently out onto the landing: "Go and show them how beautiful you look."

"What about you?" Hermione was astonished.

"Never mind me, just go!"

Hermione nervously took the steps down and Lucy watched from the sidelines. Everyone was in awe with her friend's dress and Lucy couldn't be happier for her, she knew everyone else's enthusiasm would boost Hermione's confidence.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now