~Chapter thirty two: Merry Christmas~

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fifteen minutes later I was dashing over to quality quidditch supplies grabbing that nimbus 2001 for Fred. I know George would be jealous but I couldn't just not get Fred a present! That would be plain mean! My eyes scimmed the Nimbus 2001's seeing if I could find a new polished up one. Finally I did, I made a dive for it but somebody else had already taken the other end. It was -   

"Pardon me Blaize, but I think I had that broom first" I spoke in a forced polite tone, all Slyhtherins hated me even if I was Snape's daughter 

"Pardon me Snape but I think I had that broom first" he snarled

"Well Zambini I suggest you back off, there has already been one fight in quality quidditch supplies today lets not make it two"

"Oh yeah? Who between?"

"Between Hermione, and your worst nightmare" I snarled

"Who's is my - ?"

"Your staring right at her"

"Oh yeah i'm really scared of you Snape aren't I! What are you going to do when I beat you up? Go run crying to daddy?"

"Yeah I might do actually, he'll believe me and all and get you in a months worth of detentions" Blaize looked shocked at my comeback "is it getting hot in here? Because somebody just got BURNED!" I yelled in his face, and because he was so shocked I yanked the broom out of his hand and dashed to the till tipping my purse out onto the counter and making sure I could get away as quick as possible.

"I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT ONE SNAPE!" Blaize yelled as I left

"In your dreams Zambini! IN YOUR LITTLE DREAMS!" I yelled back giving him a rude hand gesture, yes that's right Zambini I got the broom and you didn't! Wait until my father hears about you and your backchat! (Cor dear I sound like Malfoy)

Fred's point of view 

Fifteen minutes later I was dashing over to Flourish and Blotts to pick up all those potions books for Lucy. I know that she might own some of them but it was a risk I was willing to take! And if I didn't get Lucy a present I would look like such a fool! My eyes scimmed the books again and I saw the ones I wanted, I made a grab for them but someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yes?" And I turned around 

"Sorry young man but we're closed" the old man that helped me earlier wheezed 

"B-B-But..." I stuttured

"No buts young man, I suggest you leave now before I call your parents!"

"Wait! You've got to understand! It's my girlfriend! And i've got to get her a present! And I can't get one tomorrow because your closed! Please! Please! Please! Let me buy those books and then i'll leave you!"

"You said earlier that these books were for you N.E.W.T classes now they are for your girlfriend? Make up your mind sonny jim!"

"They are for my girlfriend" I breathed

"Now who might be your girlfriend?"

"Lucy, Lucy Snape"

"Severus's daughter? He visits here regually Severus does"

"Has he visited today?"

"Yes he has, and he bought a couple of defence against the dark arts books, they looked pretty easy, they looked like they were for his daughter"

"Oh that's good, and please don't tell him that I am dating his daughter he will go mental!"

"Of course, now, would you like those books?"

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now