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Lucy arrived at Charms just as Hermione was leaving.

Hermione beamed when she saw her friend. "How did it go?"

Lucy opened up the flap of her bag to reveal three boxes. "I think I'm going rename these three Snape's Skiving Snack Boxes just in honour of my mission."

"Wow you really are getting into Fred and George's inventions, aren't you?"

"What can I say? I'm the perfect third member."

They headed off to Potions and took their usual seats. Snape stormed into the classroom wearing his usual brooding look.

"Today you'll be making a cure for fever, any spills and I will deduct points from your house. Any failed Potions will earn you a detention, you have a full hour so make good use of it."

He sat behind his desk and the students took out their text book and found the remedy for a fever. Before Hermione had even found the appropriate page Lucy was already chopping ingredients. Hermione' shoulders slumped. "Oh give me a chance."

Lucy vigorously continued chopping before scraping the ingredients off of the board and into the cauldron. "Sorry, I just know this one pretty well."

"Granger, are you going to participate or continue to be social?" Snape barked from his desk.

Hermione's cheeks tinged red and Lucy looked up at him. "Dad, are you going to continue to be miserable or are you going to smile at least once?"

A few people laughed nervously, they didn't want house points deducted or a detention and either was possible for stepping a toe out of line in Snape's lessons. Snape just picked up a book and pretended his daughter wasn't so sassy for a moment.

"Thanks," Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

"No worries," Lucy scooped the already finished Potion into a vial until it was full, she then filled a few more until the source was depleted and lined the vials on a rack just as Snape came to inspect.

He took the vials without question from the rack. "I'll be needing that for my stock cupboard."

"Happy to be of service. Need anything else?"

"Make a few more batches, it's no harm in having too much."

Lucy picked up her knife once again and restarted the process.

By the end of the lesson Seamus' potion had ended up on his face, Neville had spilt his and had slipped up, Ron's produced such a vile smell that they had to leave the classroom until Snape had gotten rid of it and Harry's looked so unappealing that you couldn't be blamed for sticking with the fever instead. Of course this meant that almost everyone had detention, Snape couldn't handle that many and so deducted a hefty amount of points and then dismissed everyone.

Lucy remained behind and gave Snape nine more vials. He took them gratefully and shut them in a box before the pair went around and began clearing up the mess.

"Was it true?" Lucy asked all of a sudden, her thoughts going back to Umbridge's words earlier.

"What was?" Snape asked.

"What Umbridge said about me not being planned."

Snape turned to her slowly and looked too startled to speak for a moment. "Yes."

"Oh, alright," Lucy didn't really know what to say and so she waved her wand and the surface of the table Seamus had been sitting at was clean.

"I never saw myself as a father and so never dared myself to think about the prospect of children. But when I found out about you everything changed. I ignored that mindset in preparation for you and suddenly it became easy to envision what it would all be like. I can't describe the delight I felt at holding you for the first time and from then on being a father all came so naturally to me."

"I guess being a single father wasn't easy though, was it?"

"I've had my struggles and faced an unimaginable amount of guilt when I had to leave you at times to teach, it felt like I was missing you growing up." Snape held a shard of glass in his hand, waved his wand and the vial repaired itself in his hand.

"Well if it's any consolation I think you're the best father ever and I certainly don't feel like you were absent from any part of my childhood. You might of had to teach others but as soon as class was over you'd be sure I got a good dosage of the Tales of Beedle the Bard."

"My mother read that to me too," a small smile appeared on Snape's face as he finished cleaning. "You certainly always know what to say."

"I learnt from the best," she admitted, returning his smile.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now