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Snape grumbled something about Tonks or Remus, Lucy wasn't quite sure, as he unlocked the door to his house in Spinners End. As soon as they were inside the rain began to come down and drizzled against the windows of the house.

Snape began flicking on some lights to make the place seem a little more homely as Lucy set her trunk down in the hallway. She breathed a sigh of relief and stretched her back as Snape put the kettle on. In no time they had a cup of tea each and were sat opposite each other in the gloomy living room.

"Bored are we?" He asked within half an hour as he looked up from a book and saw her staring out of the window at the wet streets.

"The weather is uninspiring," she lied. She'd been thinking about all the fun her friends would be having without her.

"How about a trip to Diagon Alley?" He proposed. "I need to pick up some Potions Ingredients."

"I'll go get my coat."

She got up and headed up to her room and grabbed a different coat from her wardrobe before sliding down the banister where Snape was waiting.

"What have I told you about doing that?" He glared at her. "You could injure yourself."

Lucy rolled her eyes and took his arm. They apparated and within moments they stood in Diagon Alley.

"I'll be in the Apothecary, you may amuse yourself as you see fit," he handed her some money before wandering off. She counted what was in her hand and then headed down the street, knowing exactly where she wanted to go.


Snape looked through his new purchases, checking them briefly, before heading back down to where he'd left Lucy. He saw her looking into one of the windows of the shops and he approached her.

"Are you ready to — what is that?"

Lucy had turned to face Snape and he now had a proper view of the brown barn owl that perched upon her shoulder and hooted gently.

"Meet Cedric, he's going to deliver my mail."

"We already have — "

"You have an owl and he's usually out delivering your mail so I never get a look in."

"Who are you wanting to send letters to?"

"They're called friends, you might have seen them on the Hogwarts express."

Snape narrowed his eyes and no one in particular, thinking of the main culprits; the Weasley twins.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now