~Chapter thirty four: Don't you dare~

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This is dedicated to Harmony because one she dedicated something to me and two she added me into her story as well! Thanks Harmony! 

Since that night I had fallen asleep I had: recived a letter from Fred saying him and George had left, I had returned to Grimmuald place. I had finally learned how to become a full animagus (victory dance!) Tonks had given me more advice, dad had shown more affection and had learnt more parenting skills and before I knew it the holidays were over! 

Where am I now you ask? I am sitting on the Hogwarts express in full doe form resting my head on Fred's lap and George is giving me a stroke. 

"I can't believe you managed to do it Fawn!" George smiled, I made a small noise in approval and the twins laughed 

Just then Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny stepped in and sat down they stared at me and I stared back at them. 

"W-What is that?" Ron stuttured pointing at me 

"A doe Ronald!" Hermione said frustrated while she read Hogwarts a history 

"But what on earth is a bloody doe doing on the Hogwarts train?!" Ron shrieked as though he had just seen a spider 

"Oi! Ron! Look at the doe's eyes, do they remind you of anyones? Or maybe the colour of the doe? Recognise it no?" Fred growled 

"Fawn?" Ron asked, I looked up at him and nodded "woah! You did it! You turned into a full animagus! Well done!" If doe's could smile I surely wood be smiling 

Just then the compartment door slid open a pointy faced pale white blond haired Malfoy stepped in holding the hand of Louise Jeanie, I growled at Malfoy and Fred hushed me. 

"A doe? What on earth is a smelly thing like that doing on the train?!" Malfoy sneered at me his grey eyes scanning me up and down 

"Draco! Are you thick?! It's Fawn! Also known as Lucy Snape! You know Snape's daughter! I hope you have heard of Snape!" Louise rolled her eyes 

"Snape! A doe?! An animagus! Disgusting!" Malfoy pretended to hurl "filthy half breed!" Draco declared, at this point I lost it, I stood up on the seat and glared at Malfoy. 

His sneer look turned into fear, next he backed away slightly as I edged closer to the end of the seat. Draco whimpered slightly and at that point I pounced, Draco yelled and I began to chase him down the corridor. He shoved students out the way as I went to bite him, he turned around and lept over me. I spun around and chased him again but when I reached the outside of the compartment I was in I turned back to human and faced Malfoy shaking my fist in anger 

"YOU WATCH IT FERRET OR I'LL SERIOSULY INJURE YOU! YOU WAIT!" I walked inside the compartment, sat down inbetween Fred and George and began to smooth down my hair 

"Ah! That went well!" I grinned, Louise sat next to Hermione and chuckled slightly 

"Haha! You called him a ferret!" Ron sniggered 

"Well he is isn't he? It was proved by Mad-eye, 'Malfoy the amazing bouncing ferret' !" At that moment the whole compartment burst out laughing "oh! Did I tell you guys I almost got into a fight with Zambini the other day!" And I explained to them my little encounter with Blaize, but next I turned to Hermione 

"Mione i'm sorry about what happened in quality quidditch supplies, I didn't mean to lose it - " but Hermione just simply held up a hand 

"Don't worry about it Lucy, it was my fault" 

"But still i'm sorry" 

"We're both sorry" just then Hermione glanced out the compartment door "say! Who's that girl outside our compartment?" 

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