~Chapter thirty nine: Some unfortunate memories~

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Lucy's point of view 

"Pathetic useless boys!" I muttered under my breath as I began chopping ingrediants for the draft of the living death

"What was that Lucy?" Dad asked as he stirred the cauldron with care 

"Nothing dad, just complaining to myself how much boys can destroy your life" I sighed dropping the ingrediants in the cauldron 

"It seems that you have learnt a lesson from this Miss Lucy Snape"

"Yeah I have, never date boys again because they wreck your lives" 

"Yes, that sums it up" and dad smirked slightly 

I sighed and grabbed some more ingrediants to chop up, I couldn't describe how I felt. It was just anger, sadness yet happiness. Happy because I always had dad here for me, anger because of Fred and sadness because I wasn't sure what to do... 

"So has Weasley recovered?" Dad sneered 

"Sort of, I wish you had suffocated him!" I hissed chopping up the ingrediants so furiously that I chopped a bit of my finger "OH SUGAR! BLOOD!" I screamed 

"Calm yourself!" Dad said, he took out his wand and preformed a spell to fix my finger "be more careful!" 

"Sorry, i'm just so angry!" I sighed placing the knife down and not bearing to look at it 

"I know you are" dad sighed rubbing my back gently, "I suggest that you avoid any males from now on" 

"OK...Bye dad!" I laughed heading towards the door 

"Only boys who attend school!" Dad smirked, and I walked back and traded places with dad, so he chopped the ingrediants while I stirred the potion 

"I will dad don't you worry, i'm sorry for disobeying you, I should of never gone out with Fred" I whispered looking down at my feet 

"Never mind, Lucy, you have learnt your lesson that's all that matters to me"

"If you say so..." I muttered, then stopped stiring the potion because it was complete. I grabbed some flasks and began pouring the mixture into them

I shoved the flasks in an empty spot on the shelves, then sat at one of the desks and stared at nowhere in particular. I didn't know what to do, I love Fred (only a little bit) yet I can't forgive him. What should I do? At times like these I need a mum, someone I can talk to to discuss my problems. Someone apart from dad...

But wait! I could write to Tonks! She could help me! She did say if I needed any help write to her! Well that's just smashing!  

Dad left the room suddenly and I quickly pulled out a piece of parchment, a pot of ink and a quill. I set them down on the table, positioned my quill above the parchment and began to write: 

Dear Tonks 

Hey! How are you getting on? Is your job tough? Is Sirius getting on alright in Grimmuald place? I hope so. More to the point I have a big question to ask you. What would you do if a boy cheated on you, yet you still had feelings for him...Please help! 


Lucy.S x 

I rolled up the piece of parchment then whistled. Cedric flew down from his perch on the ceeling and landed on my outstretched finger, he hooted happily and I placed the letter in his beak. 

"Can you deliever this to Nymphadora Tonks for me?" Ced gave me a quizzical look,  "you know? The metamorphmagus! She was sporting bright pink hair last time we saw her, she probably still has it now." 

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now