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Fred froze when he heard Snape's footsteps in the corridor.

"Let go of me," Lucy commanded through gritted teeth. "Now."

Fred's hand slowly retreated from her face but she looked no less tense.

Snape was getting flashbacks from the Yule Bull and the way he'd watch Fred hold his daughter in the dance. He'd seen the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes as he spoke to her, the whole concept of someone falling for his daughter made his blood boil. He stepped closer and approached them:

"Would someone like to explain what's going on here?"

"Fred was just leaving," Lucy forced a smile on her face and then waved to Fred, implying he should leave immediately.

Fred went as red as his hair and escaped the situation.

Lucy turned to her father. "Don't tell me someone hasn't ever touched you that way before."

"Ah," Snape raised his eyebrows. "So there is romantic connotations."

"As if, he's my best friend."

Snape nodded, he headed off without a word to the dungeons thinking of a red haired girl.


A couple of weeks had passed since Lucy and Fred had been caught by Snape in the corridor. Fred and Lucy had barely spoken, she'd either been told not to speak to Fred by her father or she'd just made the decision it was best to avoid him. Fred's mood was especially melancholy when George leaned over the back of his chair in the common room and showed him Lucy's next idea for their shop; Fainting Fancies. A small sweet sized capsule that would make the victim faint almost instantly.

Fred had agreed it was a good idea but he was somewhat offended that Lucy hadn't shown him the idea first. He barely saw her in those two weeks and when he did she'd be gone by the time he thought of something to say. It was in her absence he longed for her most and wished so desperately he could spend some time with her again.

Fred had no other option but to actually study for his exams to pass the time.

The common room was too busy and so he made his way down to the Transfiguration Courtyard. He sat down on a bench, opened his book and began to study.

Except as soon as he'd finished the first sentence he heard her voice.

She was on the opposite end of the courtyard with Hermione and they were laughing about something. A strange feeling washed over Fred's body and it was as if all his feelings were accelerated in that moment.

Lucy wasn't even wearing her Yule Ball dress this time but she was simply beautiful.

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now