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The next day Lucy sat at the foot of Fred's bed, cauldron placed in front of her and she stirred the contents the correct amount of times before adding the final ingredients. Fred and George watched on in awe; it had taken hardly any time at all for Lucy to brew this. This potion alone would fill at least ten small vials which was the perfect amount to snare a victim.

"Done," she announced.

"How do we know it's going to work?" George wondered just as Molly Weasley's voice hollered for someone to help her out. There came protests from Ron and Ginny was oddly silent. George groaned and got up.

"You just have to smell it," Lucy responded before George left.

"What should it smell of?" Fred wondered, he got onto his knees and sat opposite Lucy, the cauldron standing between them.

"Whatever you most desire," Lucy bent forwards slightly and took a sniff of the contents of the cauldron. "I smell..."


"You," a blush tinged her pale cheeks. "Freshly mowed grass on the quidditch pitch, Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and the burning fire in the common room. It's all that things I associate with you."

Fred leant over the potion and sniffed too. He was instantly greeted with the smell of Bertie Boots Every Flavour Beans also and cinnamon as well as the very same perfume Lucy wore. He didn't want to admit the adrenaline that seemed to course through him at coming into contact with these smells; he loved it.

Lucy peered at Fred curiously and their eyes met. When she spoke her voice was low. "Don't get too close, you'll become addicted."

He winked at her. "I already am."

She picked up a series of vials. "Let's bottle this up, we can't have you in a trance."

He took a few vials from her. "Implying you aren't."

The burning fire smell from the common room, hit her inbetween her nostrils again and she gasped. Mortified, she stood up and opened the window. Fred was amused somewhat with her actions as she tried to clear her head of the smell.

George arrived minutes later, brushing soap suds onto his trousers. "Can you believe mum just made me wash up the muggle way?" He huffed then looked up to view the scene before him; Lucy practically hanging out the window and Fred spooning love potion into vials. "What did I miss?"

"Love potion, it smells of your deepest desires."

"Oh cool!" George grinned, his question finally answered. He walked over and smelt the contents before beaming.

"What is it?" Fred asked eagerly, thinking he could trap his twin into revealing his love.

George laughed a little and turned to his brother excitedly. "Money. This potion is going to be a real hit."

In no time at all Lucy had brewed enough Amortentia to fit in Fred and George's suitcase. George slammed the lid shut in triumph but then noticed a vial at Fred's foot. He picked it up and admired it.

"I know that smelling it works," George commented. "But do you really think it will?"

"I'm sure," Lucy nodded. "But I did say I'd be the test subject on any inventions I created so if you need me too I'll take it."

I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!Where stories live. Discover now