CHAPTER NINETEEN: Quidditch Practice

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Lucy wasn't sure of many things.

She wasn't sure exactly when she'd discovered she was a witch. She wasn't sure what made her eyes so green. She wasn't sure as to how her father put up with rowdy students all day everyday. Hell, she wasn't even sure as to who he mother was.

But she was sure that Fred Weasley loved her.

They ended up sitting on the windowsill the following afternoon straight after lessons. Hardly anyone frequented this part of the castle as it was practically a dead end with a window. But it made it the perfect spot to hide out.

"I kind of wish I still had the Marauders Map right now," Fred mused. He was sat opposite Lucy while she rested a book in her lap.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow as she turned a page and clutched onto the edge of the book with dainty hands.

"Just so we could make sure no one will intrude on us."

"I doubt they will, no one has any reason to come here. I've hung out here many times and haven't seen a living soul...I've seen a few ghosts though."

Fred laughed at that and took her hand that had been clutching the edge of the book. He planted a gentle kiss upon the back and then held it between his hands.

Neither of them had uttered the word 'dating' but it was as though the word passed silently and unanimously between them. As though saying it aloud would alert everyone to their sudden change of heart and they didn't want to embarrass the other by being so formal.

But the way Fred leaned over and kissed her once again told Lucy all she needed to know about his feelings. But then he pulled back wide eyed.

"Quidditch practice!" He gasped.

Lucy slammed her book shut. "Even when being romantic men cannot distract themselves from sport."

"Gosh, sorry," he held her face in her hands. "But I've got Quidditch practice, I forgot. Angelina will kill me if I'm not there. You're more than welcome to join me though."

"There's already another woman between us!"

Fred had already stood up and so had to turn around to see her face but she was smirking and gave him a wink for good measure. He breathed a sigh of relief and they headed down to the Quidditch Pitch together.

Fred ran off to the changing room where Angelina was already stood in front of a chalkboard and instructing everyone on the new tactics for the season. She stopped talking and then looked up when Fred appeared.

She folded her arms. "You're late, Weasley."

George turned around to see his brother there and gave him a look that asked: 'where have you been?'

"Sorry, got held behind," Fred admitted.

"Yeah, holding this team effort behind. Get changed and join us when you're done.
  Don't dawdle."

"Yes, Captain," Fred mock saluted and then hid in one of the changing cubicles and got into his Quidditch uniform hastily. He then joined the others, broom in hand.

"This year I want the Slytherin's begging for mercy. If we're going to execute this correctly it means no one can miss practice — " (she glared at Fred). "Without a reasonable excuse. It also means you stick to your positions and one toe out of line means you're off the team, understood?"

All nodded in agreement before she grabbed her broom and stormed out onto the pitch.
All followed and mounted their brooms, they rose into the air as the rain began to fall heavily. But all Fred could focus on was Lucy's silhouette hidden undercover on the pitch as she watched on eagerly.


"Oh, Fred, you're soaking," Lucy sighed as she wiped a wet strand of hair out of his eyes. He hadn't bothered to change back into his school clothes and they'd just get sodden too. She erected her umbrella before they made their way off of the pitch and held it above the two of them.

"It was freezing too," Fred sniffed, he shook as he clutched his broom. "There's nothing worse trying to practice Quidditch in the rain. I sure hope it brightens up for the match, I think Angelina might just have my head on a stake if we don't beat Slytherin."

Lucy made a sympathetic face before taking out her wand and summoning a towel, she handed it to him and he dried his face and hair as they walked along. "I can't believe she didn't call it a day in this weather."

A crack of thunder sounded over their heads. "Quidditch is a rain or shine affair, you've got to be committed."

"I think I'm going to find something to commit to indoors where it's warm."

Fred looked down at her and smirked. "Like me."

A small smile appeared on her lips and she looked ahead as she walked. "Tempting."

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