CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Umbridge's Office

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Lucy returned to the Great Hall for breakfast and sat down in between the twins who were just selling the last of the yelling confetti. (Fred had mentioned that as it was her idea they'd name the invention after her as Lucy's yelling confetti).

Hermione passed Lucy some toast she'd saved from Ron's clutches and Lucy took it with thanks. "What's first on the agenda?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts; for two hours," Hermione responded, not even needing to delve into her bag for her timetable.

"Give me strength," Lucy huffed after swallowing a mouthful of toast, she'd suddenly lost all her appetite.

"So what was all that about?" Ron asked his brothers. "With you and Professor Snape?"

"Turns out he wasn't too keen on our creative idea," Fred shrugged.

"Who's creative idea?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Your creative idea," Fred raised his hands in defence.

"Precisely," Lucy nodded. "But don't worry, I left him a little red envelope and card for his reading pleasure."

"You didn't!" George was fascinated.

Lucy turned to the entrance of the Great Hall and they all followed her gaze. Snape came in hastily, brushing confetti off of his robes and no doubt mumbling horrid things about Fred and George under his breath.

"Wow," Harry breathed.

"No one else could get away with that so easily," Hermione giggled and then pretended it was rather nasty to pull such a cruel trick on a teacher.

"I always tell you, there are benefits to being Severus Snape's child," Lucy flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

"Well surely that means you should be in with the other teachers," George turned to her. "Listen, Lucy, Umbridge has stolen some of our Skiving Snack — "

"Stolen? More like confiscated." She frowned.

"Yeah, sir, whatever," George waved his hand, dismissing the comment. "We need you to go and get these Skiving Snack Boxes from her office."

"So just because I'm Snape's daughter you think I all of a sudden have the power to swoop into another Professor's office and just take what I like."

George considered for a moment. "Yeah."

"Moron." Lucy scowled.

"Please?" Fred added.

"You can borrow my invisibility cloak," Harry offered

Lucy looked at their pleading looks before throwing down her half eaten toast. "Oh, fine! But if I get another detention from Umbridge you'll face all hell from my father!"


After Defence Against the Dark Arts (which Lucy claimed to be an absolute snooze fest) Lucy pulled out Harry's invisibility cloak from her bag. Hermione watched as Lucy held the fabric in her now invisible hands.

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