Chapter 6

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"Hey." I replied nervously, afraid it would be Jc.

"Hi Alison, it’s Brody!" I heard Brody say, I immediately became calm and a smile spread on my lips.

"Hey Brody!"

"I thought we could grab that coffee and then go to the movies. Will it be good if I pick you up in half an hour?"

"That sounds great!" I said enthusiastically.

"I'll see you soon then, bye."

I quickly ran into the shower and then put on a black polka dot dress and converse. Then I fixed my makeup and fixed my hair. I would just open the front door when it rang. Both Brody and I were surprised when we saw each other and we started laughing.

"Hey, you look great!" He said and smiled.

"Thanks, you too." I said and locked the front door and we started walking towards his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we sat in the car.

"To my favorite cafe!" He said, and we drove off.

The cafe was very cozy and we had a very relaxed conversation. We had talked a lot about high school, even though we hadn´t hung out with the same people or in the same circles, we still knew the same people. We had then gone to the theater and seen a comedy movie. He had taken my hand in his during the movie and I got butterflies in my stomach. I was really happy that he asked me out.

After the movie ended he drove me home and we went up to my driveway and up to my front door.

"So ... thanks for the evening" I said and smiled.

"Thank you, I had fun!"

"Maybe you wanna see me again ...?” I asked and looked down at the ground nervously.

"Yes, I want to." He suddenly said and lifted up my chin. He looked into my eyes and smiled an irresistible smile and then kissed me on the cheek.

"I´ll call you next week." He said and then went to his car. I sat down on the wooden staircase that led to my front door. I saw him leave my street and I stood up and started jumping around of happiness.

"Are you so happy to see me?" I heard someone say suddenly. I stopped dancing immediately and when I saw who it was I froze. My heart started beating fast and I got nervous. Every emotion came so fast. He was leaning against the tree that was in my garden, he smirked as he walked up to me.

"Jc." I whispered and flexed jaw.

"Didn´t you know I was coming? Oh yeah you didn´t. I only said that I would see you when I wanted to see you. "

"But I don´t wanna see you, so bye." I said and started to walk up the stairs, but didn´t get far before a hand grabbed my wrist.

"I said I'll see you when I want to meet you." He said hard and pulled me close. I tried to break free from his grip, but he was too strong. I felt the tears coming, but this time I refused to cry.

"Let me go, now." I said furiously. He smirked.

"Sweetie, you don´t decide the rules here." He said and stroked my cheek.

"Shut up and leave me alone." I shouted and broke loose from his grip and slapped him in the face. I saw that he was shaking out of rage and his eyes were full of hate and anger. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side of my house where nobody could see us. He pushed me against the brick wall hard and I felt my head pound.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He hissed in my ear. He pushed me against the wall with his body. Tears started streaming down my cheeks and I started crying.

"Just shut the fuck up." He said and pushed me again. I bit my cheeks so I wouldn´t make any sound.

"If only you'd kept shut and not been so damn annoying, you might have avoided this. But I don´t feel I'm in a good mood today." He said.

"Please, can´t you just let me go?" I pleaded and he backed few steps. I put my hand on my arm where he pressed his hands. It ached.

"No. But we can make a deal." He said and smirked. "In school, you tell your friends what a gentleman I am, you tell us that we're dating. I will still and see you when I want, but I won´t hurt you. If you don´t break the rules, so to speak." He continued.

"Is that all?" I said emotionlessly, right now, I wanted nothing more than to run up to my bedroom and go to bed and try to forget the whole day.

"Just one more thing." He said and came so close that I could feel his breath in my face." I saw that you were on a date tonight with that Brody, that´s his name right? It doesn´t work."

"What do you mean?" I questioned him nervously.

"It means you don´t get to meet him. You got me now sweetie." He said and kissed me on the cheek, exactly where Brody kissed me.

"No." I said and pushed him away with my hands." I will meet with him whether you like it or not."

"Then maybe I'll stop by and see him then, have a little talk." He said menacingly.

"Okay, I'll stop seeing him." I said quickly. No one else should have to be involved in this.

"That´s what I wanna hear, baby." He said and smirked. "I just want a kiss before I go." He said. I stared at him and crossed my arms.

"Never in my life."

"Come on, just a little peck on the lips." He said, trying to look innocent. I sighed deeply and leaned towards him and kissed him quickly on the lips, but he had other ideas and pushed me up against the wall, this time not so hard, and pressed his lips against mine. I didn´t resist but let him kiss me.

"Good night Ali, see you in school." He then whispered in my ear and took my hand and walked me to my door.

"Lock your windows carefully if you don´t want anyone to get inside." He said and beamed. He then went off and I ran up to my room and saw that my window was wide open. I closed it immediately and took down the curtains.

What had I gotten myself into? 

Reckless- A Jc Caylen Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now