Chapter 20

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I had spent two days at Jc and we had stayed at home all day. My parents had been in texted and called but I didn´t want to respond. But I knew what was waiting for me when I was coming home, I had never been away for two days without letting them know where I was. My friends had sent texts, Alice had called once. But I hadn´t answered. I didn´t want anything to do with them right now. And Jc had helped me feel better and he had been really sweet all the time. I didn´t understand how so many people could hate him, of course they didn´t know anything about him, not like I knew him. It was only half past eight, but I couldn´t sleep anymore. Jc however was sleeping and snored quietly and looked so sweet, I bent forward and gently kissed him on the cheek before I carefully got out of bed. I pulled on my sweatpants and then went into the living room. I lay down on the couch and began to think about my friends. I had really tried not to think of them as Jc said, but those were my best friends, and you don´t lose them so easy. But since I had heard so many rumors about them, about them talking shit about me, especially Kayla. I decided to ignore them until they were ready to apologize.

I started thinking about yesterday, I didn´t understand how I could say to Jc that I loved him, but in that moment it felt that it was right. I laughed at myself, I wasn´t such a girl who said she loved someone after three weeks, I had never even told that to any guy. I didn´t really recognize myself, I had never been like this before. But I don´t know exactly whether it was good or bad.

But right now, I could only think of my rumbling stomach, so I went into the kitchen to see what he had at home. I decided for pancakes.

In a few minutes I was finished and laid them on a plate and took syrup with me on a tray and went to the bedroom.

"Jc..." I whispered and put down the tray on the floor for so long. Then I jumped up in bed to wake him. He began stretching and turning around.

"Babe, wake up now." I said and started to shake him lightly on the back. He turned his head at me and opened his eyes slowly.

"Have you made pancakes?" He asked and smiled happily as he yawned.

"Yes, so I hope you like it!" I said and he sat up. He just nodded.

"Well I´m hungry!" I said as I reached for the tray and placed it in my lap. We started eating and I enjoyed every bite, I love pancakes, or well, any food.

After we finished up all the pancakes we lay down under the covers and cuddled. I had my head resting on his shoulder and my arm on his stomach. I wanted to stay here forever, because here there was no problem, no fake friends, no parents, everything was just perfect.

"You know you should go home, your parents are probably worried." He said and grinned.

“Oh, I know. Thought you could drive me home later.”

"Sure. But would you go to a party tonight? My buddy Santiago having it, and there seems to be many people there." He said and tried to persuade me.

"I don´t know..." I said and hesitated. My parents would never let me go to a party after I have been away for two days.

"Come on Ali. I want to see you move your hips." He said and smirked. I laughed.

"Okay then, but then you take me home now before my parents get home, get stuff until tonight, then I get to talk to them tomorrow, how now that will go." I said say anxiously.

"Take it easy, don´t think about it now. Let's go!"

We had gone to my home to pick up some things while I left some. Luckily both my parents were at work. But I dropped the idea now, and thought only of the party that we were going to now. I had a blue dress with deep back and it reached a little above the knees, and I wore my black converse. I felt reasonably good-looking after Jc’s comments.

We arrived at the huge house and it was noticeable that there was a party going on, music boomed from the speakers, people laughed and yelled. We walked in and were greeted by students with red mugs in their hands. One girl immediately came up to us and handed us a cup each and then disappeared with a smile. No one would be empty-handed here no. It smelled of beer and usually I didn´t like it, but I took a big gulp and Jc grinned at me. He probably saw my facial expression that I thought it tasted bad. But I didn´t want to think about my problems tonight. I drank my mug relatively rapidly and quickly got a new one from a random guy. Jc put his arm around my waist and led us to another part of the house where most people were dancing. He said hello to a lot of people and I only saw a few person I recognized. Jc and I started dancing to the house music that was played and the adrenaline was pumping after I got alcohol in my system. It was crowded and sweaty, but I didn´t care, I had fun. He was behind me and his hands were on my hips while we danced to the music. Suddenly I felt that I wanted to have another drink, so I left Jc who said we would meet in a few minutes in the kitchen, he would talk to anyone, I didn´t quite understood what he said. But I got through all dancing students and a guy suddenly came up with a red cup.

"Here!" He said and smiled. I took the cup and smiled gratefully back.

"You're Ali huh?" The guy asked.

"Yes, how do you know?" I asked in surprise.

"Everyone knows who Jc’s girl is." He said and smirked. I also noticed that he looked very good in his blond hair and brown eyes.

"And you are...?"

"James. Wanna dance? " He asked and put his hand on my back. I drank my third beer and shrugged happily and we started to dance with the other people. It was a fairly innocent dance because no one wanted to get Jc against them. But suddenly James disappeared but I didn´t mind so much, I started dancing with some girls I kind of knew and had fun with them instead.

Alice's pov

Me and Sophie stood each with a mug and talked to some other girls. The party was awesome and I had great fun. Both of us had danced with guys and I loved getting attention, although I could be quite shy otherwise. I heard some guys stand and talk about a girl and I was trying to hear who it was they were talking about.

"She is so fucking hot." Said one of the guys.

“She dances sexy too.” Said another one.

"Too bad she's with Caylen, you don´t dare to touch his chicks." I appalled understood that they were talking about Ali.

"Haha I do, anyway." Said another guy who looked very confident, I recognized him, but didn´t know who it was

"Ey Bradley, fuck, are you gonna pick a fight with Caylen again?" Said another guy and smirked.

"Fuck yeah, I just want to get her in bed to mess with him." Bradley said and everyone laughed. My first instinct was to tell Ali, even though she hadn´t answered when I called her. Actually I hadn´t even seen her since last week. Suddenly I saw Jc stand with some guy and talk and I decided to hear what he was talking about, maybe about Ali.

"So, have you two done it yet or what?" Asked the guy who Jc was talking to.

"Haha no, but great things take time, believe me, I will get that chick to beg for it, I have her already wrapped around my finger. But she is something special. So fucking sexy." I opened my mouth in shock and went quickly away from there, I had to find Ali directly. But the worst part was that she probably would not want to listen to me.


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