Chapter 25

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After school, Jc had given me a ride home, as much as I wanted to stay with him another night I knew I had to go home. He had assured me that everything would be fine and that he would come by later tonight. Unfortunately, my mom was at home when I got home so I got a scolding because I sneaked out, but she was not as angry about that I “had been with Alicia". If she even had a clue about where I really was she would never let me leave the House.

Now I was sitting in my room and studied, I had missed a lot of assignments when I was with Jc so I had to stay focused. But my thoughts flew away all the time so I lay down in bed and gave up studying for a while. I began to think about Jc, who I always seemed to think about now. I can´t believe it had only been a month, I felt like it was a really long time since I saw him in the parking lot. I still remember when he kissed me the first time, or actually, it was the second time but he had just kissed me on the cheek before so it doesn't really count. He had kissed me in the park, when I was absolutely disgusting and sweaty. But the kiss was still wonderful. Though I hadn´t liked him right then. I think I already understood then that I in one way or another, would fall for him, and look at me now a month later. My feeling for him went like a rollercoaster. But now the past week he had showed his good side and I had almost begun to forget that just a few weeks ago, I was afraid of him, seriously terrified. The bruises I got after him beating me. All of that was gone. Before I was afraid to see him, now I can't wait until the next time we meet. Which I hoped would be soon. Mom had been clear that I wouldn´t get stay with Jc in one week, which I was pissed off about.

I decided to go for a run to get out some aggression I had toward my parents. I started the music in my headphones at high volume and ran out into the cool air. I ran a long round to clear my thoughts. About 50 minutes later, I came home again and was out of breath and sweaty. I said a quiet hello to my parents who sat and ate dinner, I took a bowl of corn flakes up to my room and I ate at my room quickly before I went in to my bathroom, I didn't take a long shower but was out in 15 minutes. I pulled on a pair of black sweatpants and a gray t-shirt Jc had given me. It still smelled like him. I wanted so badly to sleep next to him and fall asleep on his chest with his arm around me. But no, I would get to sleep alone in my own bed. I sighed before I turned off the light in the ceiling and lay down on the bed. I looked through my mobile for a while before I put it on the bedside table and turned around.

"You didn't think I'd let you sleep alone huh?" Said someone all of a sudden and I yelled while I was up out of bed in a second and lit the lamp beside the bed. It was Jc of course. He stood leaning against my door. He smiled big as I walked with quick steps toward him and he opened his arms. But I did something he didn't expect, I hit him on the arm, probably didn´t even know it hurt though.

"What was that for?"

"You scared me." I said and sulked. He laughed softly and pulled me close.

"But given that you have my shirt on you, I guess you want me to sleep here." He said and looked at me.

"Of course I want to, but you have to be quiet!" I whispered, hoping that my parents hadn´t heard anything. I locked my door quietly and gently, and when I turned around there was a pile of clothes on the floor and Jc lay in my bed.

"Come here baby." He said, holding up the covers for me. I went to lie next to him and then I turned off the lamp. We were close to each other and I could feel my body relaxed. My eyelids were heavy, and I laid my head on Jc's chest and he held me close while he kissed me on my head lightly. I then felt how sleep took over and slowly but surely, I fell asleep.

"Jc, Jc wake up!" I whispered and poked at him. I was already prepared for school but Jc had been tenacious and stayed in bed. I was completely ready to go but I didn't have my first lesson for an hour, so we had time. He turned around in bed and I knew he wouldn't get out of bed easily. So lay on top of him and started kissing him in the face. Almost immediately he put his hands on my hips and began to kiss me back.

"This is really a good morning." He said and laughed. I stretched out my tongue at him and we both laughed.

"You have to get up now if we are going to make it to the first lesson in time, your first lesson is at nine to right?" I asked.

"Maybe ..." He said and I knew he did.

"Get out of bed now lazybones." I said and would just sit me up but he held me firmly and Jc went on top of me.

"Baby, I think we should sleep at my place instead, my bed is bigger and more comfortable." He said and grinned. I agreed with him, as much as I loved my own bed it was a bit too small for two people, his bed was clearly much bigger.

"My parents are pissed at me right now so I can´t sleep at your place in a few days." I said sorrowfully.

"We can skip some lessons and go home to me and sleep, and then I can drive you home?" He suggested.

"Or we can both manage to sleep alone this week." I said and laughed.

"Ali, I'm a man, I have needs." He said and I started to laugh out loud. He looked confused.

"Jc, we haven't even done anything? So I can´t satisfy your needs and I won´t either."

"You have no idea what it even means that you sleep next to me. To get to have you so close all the time means so much to me. You´re so beautiful and peaceful when you´re sleeping." He said and smiled wide. I blushed slightly and he caressed my cheek.

"But I will have to sleep in your bed a few days then, I can after all come closer to you then." He said and kissed me before he went in to the bathroom.

Jc´s pov

"Ey Caylen!" Someone shouted after me. I saw that Jason stood with Santi and some other guys outside school. I went to them and grinned.

"Ey, how are things going with the chick? Have you slept together yet?" Asked Chad and grinned.

"I have heard that she is damn good in bed." Mark said. I had never stood out with his attitude.

"What the hell did you say?" I exclaimed and felt how the blood began to boil within me.

"Ey take it easy. Nathan talked before about her, that she was the best he ever had." I couldn't hold back my anger but I took a step towards him and grabbed his collar while I pushed him up against the wall.

"You fucking idiot. No one's talking about my girl in the way." His grin only grew bigger and my anger grew with it. I let him go to be able to hit him firmly on the jaw.

"Jc, not here." I heard Santi say and he pulled me away with all the power he had. I shook off his hands and stared at Mark. He seemed hurt, like a little bitch.

"You're not worth it, tell Nathan that he can expect a visit. I said with a menacing voice and walked away. Nathan should be damn glad he wasn't here right now. 


Thank you so much for all your votes and comments, and 60k reads damn! I hope you´ll keep voting and commenting, thank you! 

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