Chapter 47

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"Jc, I need to tell you something..." I started to say, and he looked at me confusedly and took my hands.


"I have done something that you'll never forgive me for." I said and felt the tears began to form in my eyes. "You know that huge fight after you took off?" He nodded slowly. "I was so incredibly angry and hurt after that and I wasn´t thinking clearly. At that moment I just wanted to hurt you like you hurt me." I let go of his hands and stood up from the couch and started pacing back and forth.

"That evening after you drove away from me, I met Bradley in town. He saw that something was wrong and he comforted me. He sat with me all night and I was so vulnerable…" I didn´t even dare to meet his gaze now but I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.

"And then it ended up at his place..." I said and sat down in the chair across the couch where Jc was sitting and looked seriously and sadly at me.

"And then he started hugging me and one thing led to another." I said and saw how his facial expressions became sad and his eyes were almost glazed with tears.

"I'm sorry Jc, I don´t know what I was thinking. Right then I wanted to hurt you. But I regretted it right away." I exclaimed and rushed up to him. But he pushed me away and stood up. I prepared myself that he would start screaming. But instead he just stood and looked at me, and I saw how hurt he was.

"Of all the people I know, I never thought that you would be the one who betrayed me." He said quietly. Suddenly I ran out of the room and out of the house. I had to get away from him, now. I couldn't look at his face. I had actually hurt him. I. Never did I think that he would be the one who got hurt. But now he was, and it was my fault. I had gone behind his back, when he's done everything to change. He had come so far, changed his himself for my sake. But then I did the worst thing you can possibly do, I went behind his back and with the worst person possible. Bradley.

* Flashback *

"Come on Alison, you know that you want to take revenge on Jc." Bradley tenderly whispered in my ear. Yes, I wanted to take revenge on him. I wanted him to get hurt this time. Not me.

"But if he comes now, we're as good as dead." I said nervously and bit my lip.

"Don't worry honey, I got it. He wouldn´t ever come here." He said and started pulling on my shirt. I didn´t hesitate before his lips crushed mine. He put his hands on my back and held me close. "Bradley, I don't know if I can do it." I said and put my palms on his chest.

"Ali, how much hasn´t he hurt you, how many times hasn´t he betrayed you? I won´t. I'll help you get him out of your mind." He said and began kissing my collarbone. I hated that Bradley was so irresistible to me. There was something about his smile and his sparkling eyes that got me to fall for him and I hated it. Since the night I danced with him at the party, I had known that there was something special about him. But it wasn't him I wanted. Jc was the only guy for me. Although I couldn´t stop feel flattered when Bradley constantly gave me compliments.

"Ali, stop thinking about Jc now and think about here and now. I am here, and I'll take care of you." He said and lifted me up, but he didn't stop kissing me for it. He then put me down in his bed and held me so closely as possible. Okay Ali, stop thinking about Jc now. He hurt you, he told you that you don't mean anything to him. I took a deep breath and put my hands behind his neck and pulled him closer.

* Flashback ends *

Thinking of his sad eyes and hurt voice made me break down. I had gotten into a park and I sat down on the ground. What had I done? I love Jc, after all, I loved him. No one else may saw or understood it, but it meant nothing to me, the only thing that mattered was Jc. I had to see him again, but I didn't know how I could get him to forgive me. This was the worst thing I could do, and that it was with Bradley made it worse. But the worst part was that when I told him, he hadn´t become angry and started yelling, he just become silent and teary-eyed. He had really changed and become more sensible, just for me. And now everything was ruined. I had ruined everything good we had together. Everything was my fault. And now I have maybe lost the only one that really made me smile.

Jc´s pov

"Of all the people I know, I never thought that you would be the one who betrayed me." I said quietly. Sudden Ali ran out of the house and I didn't follow after her. I couldn´t. I don't know what happened to me. But when she told me that she had slept with Bradley, it was as if everything suddenly stopped. As if I was in a state of shock. She made me feel things that I didn’t think were possible. I didn't even want to feel like I did. She was just some girl. No, that was a lie. She is more than just some girl. I punched my fist on the table screaming loudly in frustration. Damn, why did this have to happen? Everything was so damn good right now. What would happen now? Where did she even go? I don´t understand why she ran away, it was she who had been cheating, it is I who should run away. I should have been angry, shouting, threw things in the floor. But I didn´t. I was mostly disappointed, and not angry. This was the reason I didn't have girlfriends, that I haven't had any in years, I didn't want to get hurt again. I never thought that Ali would be cheating on me. I never thought she would hurt me, it was my part in this relationship. It was I who hurt her. But now it was trading places, which I really didn't like. Fuck this. I'm not going to sit at home and cry over this as a girl. I need to drink, now. I thought, and went straight to the kitchen and took out a bottle of Tequila. This would probably end badly, like I could care less.

Ali´s pov

After sitting and crying in the park for over an hour, I decided to do something. I couldn´t just sit here and cry. That didn´t help anything. Or, well, me. Not a good thing, perhaps, but I got out all the emotions out of me so maybe it was good... But did I want to sit here and cry over what had happened, or attempt to apologize to Jc and get him to forgive me? The other option of course. I hurried back to his house but I tripped quite a few times because I was excited, in some strange way. But before I opened the door I stopped. I had no idea how he reacted after I left. No, I need to know now. I thought while I went into the house. Music was played so I knew he was still at home. I walked cautiously into the living room and saw Jc and some other guys. None of them seemed to notice me when they sat on the couch. There were several bottles of alcohol on the table and I almost started crying. I couldn´t be around Jc when he was drunk, I just couldn´t handle him. All of a sudden Jc turned around and stared at me.

"Oh, here we have the cheating bitch." He said unemotionally, and everyone turned around and laughed me right in the face. 


Thank you for 850k reads on this story, never thought I would say that! And thanks for the feedback about the new stories, I will write them both after Reckless! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please please vote and comment, that would really make me smile to wake up to in the morning! 

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