Chapter 33

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Ali´s pov

I woke up to my phone vibrating, time to get up for school. I had an important exam today and I could definitely not be late. I hurried out of bed and into the bathroom to change. Jc was sleeping in my bed and I knew he would not wake up voluntarily so early in the morning because he didn´t care so much about the school, so I ignored him and went quickly downstairs to eat breakfast. My parents had luckily already gone to work. I then went up and put together my stuff in my bag and took my phone. I had received a message from Bradley, I took it up and looked what it said.

Thanks for today, had fun, see you on Wednesday. I look forward to it already...

I began to smile and actually looked forward to meeting him again. Fortunately Jc wasn´t awake now because then he would have wanted to see who I got a message from. Though I got a bad conscience when I thought about how I had lied to Jc yesterday. When he said that we wouldn´t lie more to each other, I had to look down at the ground first to get a poker face so he couldn´t see that I lied. But the only reason I lied was that he was so incredibly jealous. I wasn't cheating on him and I didn´t plan on being it either, Jc meant too much to me. But I want to be able to meet guys like friends without Jc flipping and getting pissed off. I responded quickly to Bradley before I left my house and let Jc sleep in my bed. I hurried off to school and came there after about 20 minutes. It was students everywhere and I just focused on getting to my classroom. I was nervous but simply hoped for the best. When I came into the classroom I saw Alicia and Kayla sitting in the front row. I froze and panicked. Maybe they hadn´t seen me and I tried to get up the stairs to sit further back. I glanced at them again, no, they definitely saw me. Both quickly looked at me and then turned against each other. I immediately became sad and couldn´t believe what had happened, they were my best friends for years, and when a guy comes into the picture everything got ruined. I sat down on a bench and looked down into my lap. Our professor came into classroom and began handing out the exams. I took a deep breath and began.

When I came out almost two hours later, I was just going to put on headphones when I saw Jc standing down at the end of the steps. We both started to smile when we made eye contact and I started walking towards him. I noticed people staring at me, us, but I didn't care. I kissed Jc on the mouth and then he put his arm around me when he steered us toward his car.

"I didn't know you were going to pick me up." I said and smiled.

"I didn't know you would leave me in the morning, you should have woken me up."

"No, because then you'd convinced me to stay in bed." I told him and he grinned.

"I know, but now we can go home to me instead and lie in bed all day." He said and looked happy.

"I should go home and study actually Jc, I've missed so much lately." I told him and he looked sad.

"Come on babe, you can study later in the week, don´t you wanna be with me now?" He asked and pouted with his lip.

"Okay then! But can we go to a shopping center first? Need to buy some clothes first." I said and he nodded. I needed to buy some new shirts and searched among all the shelves that were on my favorite shops. Jc went mostly behind me and sounded bored and sighed loudly.

"I think you should try this." He said suddenly, and I turned around and he held up a black, a pretty nice dress, I nodded and took it in my arms. I had found a few shirts I wanted to try it and we walked towards changing rooms. I expected that Jc would stay out but he went in.

"Jc, you have to wait outside." I said and tried to push him out, but he didn't move.

"Come on, I've seen you naked before." He said and I stared at him.

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