Even After | S. Rogers

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Even After

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Even After


The last of the boxes from the truck got thrown onto your lawn without a care, and the men drove away.

"Well," Steve scrunched his nose, crouching down next to one of the boxes. "Considering most of our belongings are now in a thousand different pieces, we will have to go shopping. Again."

You groaned inwardly as you picked up a small box that rattled when you moved it around. "This might be my grandma's china," you pouted slightly. "Or our wine glasses," you tacked on setting it carefully back on the grass.

"We should've just had the quinjet drop off our stuff," Steve spoke as he ran his fingers over the nape of his neck.

"But we don't want the neighborhood to see us as Captain America and (y/s/n). We want them to know us as Steve and (y/n), from New York,"

Steve settled down on the grass and pulled you by your waist to sit in his lap. You leaned into his shoulder, holding onto one of his arms, as both of them wrapped around you.

"I suppose," He sighs. "It'd be nice to be a man for a while. Just a man. Not the guy with fame to his name,"

"Mhmm," you agreed softly. "Everywhere I go, it's 'oh my god it's (y/s/n)!' It's never, 'Hey (y/n), how are you?' I can't even go to the damn grocery store without getting my picture taken with a cereal box branded with your pretty face!"

"What's wrong with my pretty face, darlin'?!" Steve gasped in mock hurt.

"Nothing honey!" You laughed and rested your hand on his chest. "It's just that sometimes I forget how to be a normal woman. I forget how to be (y/n). I'm not sure I even remember who she is,"

"I do. (Y/n) is the girl I fell in love with. The one I married. You are still her. I see her everyday of my life, and every day I love her more and more as each day passes,"

Your cheeks turn into plush roses, as you bury your face into Steve's shoulder, not wanting him to realize you were blushing, but he had.

His lips were nestled into your hair, as he placed small kisses on top of your head.

"I'm glad we moved down here to New Jersey. It isn't far from New York,"

"Me too. It's a nice area. It was about time we got a place like this. Single family home in the suburbs. We can actually start a family now, (y/n)!" Steve beamed. He and I were excited to start a family. A kind of inconvenient lifestyle when a child comes along since the both of you are Avengers, but it'd all work out. A nice home, and great uncles and an aunt would be as normal as it would get, and Steve and you were fine with that.

"Not so soon though, Rogers," You chuckled lightly.

"Oh no no no darlin'. We have to get used to our lives first before we make a new one from scratch. We have to make sure the living conditions are proper for a child, we are used to this kind of life, and we are coming home on a regular basis,"

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