Just a humble collection of stories about our favorite group of heroes!
!!!! CURRENTLY UNDERGOING AESTHETIC CHANGES AND CONTENT EDITS !!!! I'm trying to edit my previous chapters before writing more! These chapters are cringe because I wrote them s...
Also a while ago I was tagged by avadatothekedavra to do a two facts tag thingy I think AND BECAUSE IM A HORRIBLE PERSON :D it slipped my mind. So I'm doing it now. Forgive the lady knight, kween.
1) I have a cardboard standup of Cap in my room that I got yesterday BECAUSE MY BEST FRIEND GOT IT FOR ME [ writersince00 ] 2) I almost got run over two times by large vehicles but I promise I'm alive :D
I've never told anyone about it except for one person but I have realized telling about my near death experience is funny and amusing!