11. Holiday Presents

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Tony bought you and Audi, but you made him return it and buy you something cheaper. He ended up buying you a Chanel purse that was the same price as the car. Now you wished you had kept the car ...

You had bought Tony the Ps4 you had found on sale, but what you didn't know was that Tony already bought six Ps4's- one for each Avenger's room- for full price a month ago, he just never told you, because he knew you would kick him out. You still did once you found out. So you returned the console you purchased, and instead bought two books for him instead;

"15 Reasons Why It Is Impossible to Hide Anything From Your Wife"

"Telltale Signs That You Are A Bad Husband"

Steve had gotten you a delicate silver chain that had a diamond finished arrow. On the back of the arrow was the date you both got married in Roman numerals.

You actually got Steve a new phone. You got the iPhone 6s since he was living on a flip phone up until now. And the second present was the news that you were having your guys' first child. Steve was overjoyed and giddy, and even passed out twice. But the rest of the day, he held you close and protectively, now that he had two lives to watch over.

Thor bought you a Golden Lab puppy. As soon as he walked through the door with it, you jumped up and down and squealed, taking the small animal from Thor's muscled arms. You watched with admiration as the cute baby dog curled up in your arms, resting it's chin on your forearm. The both of you decided to name her Angela. Angela is the name of Thor and Loki's long lost sister, who fought with the Guardians of the Galaxy and served as a Huntress of Heaven (I am Marvel trash I read this somewhere and i still remember it idek why)

You bought Thor a couple boxes of Poptarts and a new watch that was $374,600 exact. He was excited, and wears it everyday.

You were baking cookies in the kitchen when Clint got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. You dropped the tray of cookies that were in you hand in shock, but it didn't matter. Clint was proposing to you! You said yes 200 times, and cried as he slipped the ring on your finger. No Christmas present could top the one you had gotten- a husband.

You got Clint a dvd set of bloopers, and extra scenes from all four Hunger Games movies, and a Nerf bow and arrow set. The THG footage was because he was clearly obsessed with the series, and the Nerf so he would stop shooting holes in the wall when he was bored.

Bruce bought you a pair of sunglasses you had been eying on for quite a while now, and after exchanging other presents, you had adopted a baby. You've wanted a child, so Bruce thought what better day to finally adopt one than Christmas?

Bruce's present from you was a book he wouldn't stop talking about, and how it was always checked out at the library and sold out at the bookstore. He literally shrieked when tore off the wrapping paper from it. Shrieked.

Pietro had gotten Bruce and Tony to make a new uniform for you, since you've been asking for a one for almost a two years now.

Pietro was hella happy when he saw that you got him a new pair of Nikes and three complete outfits from Under Armor- that were of course blue, white, and grey.

Natasha got you some scented candles because she knew you loved them, and she also got you a beautiful navy blue lace dress with a pair of matching pumps.

You bought Nat a set of throwing knives and ninja stars, and also a new pair of $275 combat boots.


I should probably go to sleep now ... I wasn't sleepy so I started to write this but now I am drained so ... yay.
Also, I'm hoping to update a lot during winter break! Hopefully I don't have a lot of homework haha.

Luv y'all :)

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