I thank many users for their contribution, to make sure I don't miss spell any usernames I shoutout to all the people after the holiday craziness.
What's the difference between Snowmen and Snowomen?
SnowballsWhat do snow people call their kids?
Chill-drenWhere do snow people keep their money? Snow banks
What do you get when you cross an iPhone with a Christmas tree?
A pineapple!What nationality is Santa Claus?
North Polish!What's the difference between a knight and a reindeer?
One slays the dragon, the other is draggin' the sleigh!One night a Viking called Rudolph the Red said "it's going to rain"
His wife asked how he knew this.
"Because Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I couldn't add the names of the people to sent me jokes, but they will be given shoutouts on the 26th! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!!!

A Weirdos Guide To Swag
De TodoA bunch of hilarious,pee your pants funny jokes in one place. Have a nice reading and Remember you can't spell swag without sw and ag!