A burglar sneaks into a dark house one night. he shines his flashlight around and finds no one is awake. then a voice in the dark says "Jesus is watching you." the burglar thinks nothing of it and starts to disconnect the stereo system. "Jesus knows your here." says a voice as clear as a bell. The burglar frantically shines his flash light around, until he finds a parrot in a cage in the corner of the room. "did you say that?" the burglar hissed at the parrot.
"Yes." the parrot confesses.
"Who are you?" asked the burglar.
"Moses." the parrot says.
"What kind of people name a parrot Moses?!?!?" the burglar laughed.
"The same kind of people who name a Rottweiler Jesus." the parrot answers.

A Weirdos Guide To Swag
De TodoA bunch of hilarious,pee your pants funny jokes in one place. Have a nice reading and Remember you can't spell swag without sw and ag!