Chapter 05

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*Flashback: 7 years ago*

[ Victoria's P.O.V ]

Finally school was over. I was walking home just enjoying my time before I can arrive home. But I can't take my sweet time either. My parents would get pissed. Then again, they would get pissed at anything I do.

I made it to my front door, unlocked it and went iinside. "There you are you little bitch" SMACK  right at my face.The force made my fall down to the fall. I looked up and see my father laughing at my pain. I wanted to get up but I can't. Then my father grabs me from my hair to pull me up and starts punching me in my stomach. It like i'm his fucking punching bag. When will this end?

Once he got bored of me he left. I rushed up to my room before anyone else can see me. My sister Tatiana saw me running and laughed. "What's the matter? Can't take a fucking punch? What a pussy." she jokes. I hate her jokes. It always involves me and my pain. Sure, how about let Dad punch you in the gut. Maybe I won't be the only " pussy " around here.

As I entered my bedroom, I sighed in relieve. I dropped my bags and fell on my bed. Why can I disappear? My family doesn't give a fuck about me. I can't wait until I'm out of this hell hole.I went to my laptop and logged in to my facebook.My inbox is full of messages as usual. Normal messages from friends asking me to hangout with them. More from the people from my school,cyber bullying me, and telling me to cut myself. I logged off and got a text from my mom.

" Hey freak, dinner's ready" Well at least she told me on time.

I wiped off my tears and went downstairs. My family has already begin eating and I sat quietly trying to enjoy my meal without them hurting me.They just continue eating like if we were a normal family. Well to them I was a waste of humanity not needed to be born in the first place. Tattiana was like there perfect child with her perfect figure and attitude. Who need me? No one. But I will make their wish come true anyways. I was planning to run away for 2 years and all I need is the perfect night to leave. But I need to finish school first then bye bye cunts.

"Hey freak once we ( meaning not me ) are done eating you're doing the dishes tonight." my hell of a mother said. "I can't I need to study for a quiz tomorrow" I said. "Why? you're gonna fail anyways and should you be worrying about your cuts" says Tatiana with a smirk. Some day I will punch her god damn face until she bleeds.

"You should listen to your sister Victoria. Maybe you can learn a thing or two, well if you can." My mom says."But-"I get cut off from my dad. "Now listen here you little bitch, you will do the fucking dishes tonight and they will be no exceptions! Understood I don't give a fuck if this quiz counts for half of you grade, you will not leave until these dishes are spotless!" He shouts and slams the table. I flinched in fear and I sigh. "Okay". 

As soon they had finished their dinner, I got up and washed the dishes which took me a long time due to the fact that my own family keep making them a mess so I can stay longer. I put them away and rushed upstairs so they won't say a word and just went to sleep. Another day is coming and

I'll never be free...


Okay, this whole chapter was just a look on how Victoria's life was before she ran away. It took a long time just putting it in thought and i'm surprised how it turned out. Next chapter everything will be back to where it started.

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