Strawberry Gashes. { A Jacky Vincent lovestory }

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I push through the people to find my way to the bathroom.I went inside and locked the door for no interruptions. The sound of loud music can distracted the others. I pulled out my makeup bag and grabbed my rusty little razor.

I had this little razor all my life. I took off all my bracelets and gently put down the razor on my bare pale skin. Tears forced my eyes as I dragged it across my skin. Red fresh blood appeared down my arm as I continued to hurt myself. No one will care if I bleed to death here. No one...

KNOCK KNOCK. " Victoria are you in there?" Oh no! It's Jacky! I thought as I tried to cleanse my arm as fast as I could pleading not to get caught. Click! the door opened to a shocked Jacky. "Why? Why Victoria why?" he said as more tears came down my eyes.

He just found out what I've been doing all thses years.

Strawberry Gashes. { A Jacky Vincent lovestory }Where stories live. Discover now