Chapter 08

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A Few Weeks Later: [Victoria's P.O.V]   

Being a merch girl has been a blast.For the last few weeks on tour, we got to see new cities,meet new faces,and just having the greatest time of our lives. Show starts in 2 hours and I'm just setting up the merch table. I noticed a few fans got backstage passes to see the band more early than others.

I continue working until someone is trying to get my attention. "Um miss can I get some service here?" an very familiar voice says. I try to smile and turned. Oh crap why is she here?!?! She doesn't even like this type of music! "Hi how can I help you?" "Yeah get me a size medium shirt" I grab one and said "Here you go that would be $7.99" She gave me a $10 and I gave back her change. After that she was still standing there.

"Is there anything else I can help you with..." Maybe for you to go to hell. "Don't you remember me fag?" "Yeah, Crystal Johnson why are you here? I thought you said that rock music is for fags like me." "It is.But I could care less for that. I'm here for the band members and maybe go into the bus." She was a slut back then and trying to be a bigger slut now. "You know you will never have a chance with these guys right?" "Oh and you will? Go look infront of a mirror. You're not skinny enough, Your thighs are huge, Your chest isn't big. You're a walking disaster! I would feel bad for the poor sucker who has to marry you in the near future."

I wish I can kill her here right this fucking second but I'm better than that. At least I have a life,a amazing job and what does she got? I hope it's STDs. " Look Crystal, I know you're here to humilate me in the worst ways possible but I love my life right now. Also, I suggest you go home now cause these guys already have a girlfriends and the lead singer is engaged and has a kid. They don't want a groupie coming here and screwiing everything up." "Everyone but Jacky and I'm gonna get him" Oh no. 

"Jacky won't even go out with a groupie even if you two were the last people on earth!" "Aww little miss merch girl thought she can work with a band and a guitarist falls in love with her and live a happy life together. Gag. I'm here to make sure that will never happen." I want to cry but i can't. Crying shows weakness and I'm not gonna show weakness right in front of her. "By the way Crystal, how many bands members have you been with or *cough*fuck*cough*?" "About 9 and Jacky is gonna be my number 10 for now and ever."

Soon we both hear a bunch of screaming fangirls trying to get the attention of Ronnie and Jacky who were walking near the stage. They both accepted the fans needs and Jacky walked to me and said "Hi Vicky and..." "Hi Jacky, I'm Crystal" she said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and said "Have you been rehearsing?" "Yeah can't wait for the show!" "Neither can I." The groupie said. Jacky nodded nervously and walk where Ronnie is. I grabbed Crystal's arm and said "Hurt Jacky's heart and it will be the last thing you've done." "Hurt him?Me? I was only trying to break yours."She smirked and walked towards the rest of the band.

This can't be happening. Please Jacky don't fall for this whore.


Hi guys I got a chance to write Chapter 08! Just when things are getting good, something bad always comes in the way. Crystal was a classmate of Victoria back in school who were one of the people who bullied her. That's how she looks like ---->

Vote and Comment for Chapter 09! I'm really glad that this story has gotten so far! <3

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