Chapter 06

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Destination: Hollywood California. [Vicky's P.O.V]

So today we made it to the venue for Falling In Reverse's first show of the tour and I'm really excited for it. I helped out a bit around a bit and turned the merch table upward and started putting the merch for each size.Then putting posters,the band's accessories in place for people that want to buy them. Soon the band started getting ready with their looks and tuning the instruments. Show is in half an hour and most of things are done. I finished with the merch table and began to walk around until I bump into Jacky.

"Sorry Jacky" I said with a little blush in my cheeks. "It's okay Victoria.No harm done" he said with that amazing british accent. "Why are you walking around? Aren't you supposed to be setting up the merch?' he asked. "I already finished with that and want to see what was everyone else doing." I said.

"Oh okay.So wanna hang for a bit before show starts?" "Oh sure." After that, Jacky and I started talking about our own little personal lives from our favorites music and activities to childhood life. I was fascinated by his life back in the UK from when he started playing guitar and stuff. 

"Sorry to interrupt but Jacky shows start in 5." Derek casualy says before he gets his guitar. "I better get going." "Me too, I need to be near the merch table in case of fans wanting to buy something." "Are you gonna watch the show?" "Ofcourse I am. Don't worry" i said smiling. he smiles back and walks away.

[Jacky's P.O.V] 

I was waiting with the rest of the guys until when it's time to start the show. Ryan is drumming the walls with his sticks, Ronnie is doing vocal exercises, Ron and Derek are tuning their instruments to sound perfect. I would be doing that but I couldn't stop thinking about Victoria. At least I get to talk to her for a bit.

Now we got the signal to go on stage. Ronnie grabs his mic and says to the crowd. "How are we doing Hollywood!" he shouted as the fans scream their souls out. "Alright let's start with Fashionably Late" We started the instrumental of the song as Ronnie began singing.

Mintues seem to past by as we play the following: Fashionably Late, Bad Girls Club, Raised By Wolves, The Drug In Me Is You, I'm Not A Vampire, Alone, Rolling Stones, and ended with Born To Lead.

I love my job,playing the guitar for a our fans so they can have a good time. Once we finish our set Ronnie made a joke about us being fired but we have to play like 2,000+ shows first. We laughed at his joke as Ryan, Derek, Ron, Ronnie and I get off stage for the fans backstage. I look over and see Victoria selling our merch to fans. I smiled as I autographed and took pictures with the fans.

As I said before I love my job and I never wanted it to end.


Okay guys here's chapter 06! I'm not good with writing out concerts and such but I tried my best. 

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