Chapter 16

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[Jacky's P.O.V]

Ronnie was talking to the police as an officer were putting handcuff around Tatiana's wrist and putting her in the back of the police car. Tatiana tried to frame Vicky,but with the cuts Vicky had they didn't believe her and arrested her.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! MY HUSBAND IS A LAYWER AND I CAN SUE YOU!" Tatiana yelled throught the down window of the car. Ron rolled his eyes. I was outside with Victoria, arm around her waist holding her up cause her legs are hurting from the beatings.

An officer came by us to see if we were alright. "Don't worry madem, your sister might be in trial very soon for the almost crime she could of commited. She nodded and said thank you. He tipped his hat a bit as a goodbye and left.

Victoria and I were walking back toward the bus taking our sweet time. "Man lot's of things happened on this tour" She said. I looked at her and said "Yeah but some were worth it." and kissed her cheek. She blushes. "You know, the tour is gonna be over in a few weeks, I was thinking of you moving in with me? You know living with me back in LA." I asked in a nervous tone. She smiled, kissed me and said "Of course I would live with you. I can't bare the thought of not being next to you forever."

I smiled. We went inside the bus and went to my bunk. Victoria went to the bathroom, took a shower and got changed to her pjs. I went next after her. When I got out, Victoria was already asleep. I smiled at her. I climbed in and wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep.

The Next Morning [Victoria's P.O.V]

I woke up before Jacky did. I didn't want to get up so I was watching Jacky sleep. He looked like an angel that fell from heaven. How did I get so lucky? We've been through so much and he still loves me. I got lost in my thought and didn't noticed Jacky was looking at me. His beautiful blue eyes. I could look at them all day.

He give me my good morning kiss. "Good morning love." I smiled. "Good morning handsome." He gave one of his famous smiles. He got off his bunk and helped my down and we did our business. After that, we both went to the kitchen area. Crissy was feeding Willow her milk, and I noticed that Haley was here. She was talking with Ron. Maybe she's gonna be with us for a bit. Cool.

Jacky made me some coffee and breakfast. I told him that wasn't necessary but he wanted to. He is such a gentleman. He sat down next to me with his breakfast which was alot of food in his plate. In less than 15 minutes he finished it all and I was almost done. Just...damn boy.

I finished my breakfast and washed our dishes. I looked out the window as the bus was in the middle of nowhere. I feel a bit sad. The tour was gonna finish soon and I didn't want it to end. Even though I'm gonna be in more tours but you can never forget your first time. Definately I won't.

The boys had to go in the back making sure things are good. It gives me a good chance to meet Haley Rose a bit better. I actually love her voice and she's so inspiring for what she's been through before she met BOTDF. she's an amazing woman and I'm glad she's with someone like Ron, who supports her.

Ron and Jacky came by into the living room. Ron had to steal Haley away from me but it didn't matter anyway. Jacky wrapped his arm around me holding me close as if he was protecting me, I smile as we look in eachother's eyes.

"Come on lovebirds, get a room!" Derek shouted from the bunk area. "Oh shut up" I said as Jacky laughs. "Well love we have a few hours to kill before we reach the venue, what do you want to do now?" He asks. I smile and said "Maybe we can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas since your tattoo gave me the idea." Jacky smiles with a big grin. "Where had you been all my life?!" I laughed and grabbed a remote to search it on Netflix.

I'm so in love with you, my mind can't think straight.


Hey my beautiful readers C: I decided to write sweet things between them. They're so cute <3

Loving the feedback! <3 Vote and Comment for Chapter 17 <333

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