Chapter 17

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[Victoria's P.O.V]

Now the tour is gonna be over in two weeks. We were all on the road to our next venue but a huge rainstorm was slowing us down. So the bus driver was trying to get us there safetly. We seriously don't need anything to slow us down.

I started packing some of my dirty clothes in my bag so I wouldn't do it later. Jacky and I had been talking for after the tour I would move in with him.He would help me pack my things since his place wasn't far from mines.

Crissy had to back home with Willow cause she needed to do a photoshoot with some of her friends. Now Haley was with us unless BOTDF needed her for a song or a upcoming tour.

I looked outside the window and the sky  is getting draker and darker by the minute. I was getting scared. Lightning flashes from the sky and it looked really close. It looked beautiful but very dangerous. I snuggled with Jacky's blanket to feel his warmth. 

Jacky came back from the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist showing his v lines. I tried not to stare but I just can't help it. Jacky smirked as he slowly dried himself. I give up and continue staring at him. he smirked to himself meaning he won.

He came closer to me and stand me up. I kissed him hard and he kissed me back. My hand went to feel his abs and chest. I didn't know what I was doing but I like it.

We've been kissing for a good seven minutes until I need the urge to breath. Jacky wanted to keep going so he went and roughly kiss and bite on my neck searching for my soft spot. I hold on to Jacky and moan when he bit a part of my neck.

 Jacky's hands went to the ends of my shirt and slowly lifted it up. I was getting nervous by the second. "Um if you want me to stop, I can..." "No keep going. I want to spend my first time with the person I love." He smiled and took off my shirt and send kisses down my chest.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jacky asked me again. I nodded yes. Jacky then unbuttoned my jeans and let them hit the floor. I was in my underwear and Jacky's nakid. 

He pushed me down into his bunk and closed the curtain so no one can see. My heart is beating faster by the second. Jacky kissed me again as he unhooked my bra and give my pleasure on my breasts. I moaned in his mouth as his tongue wrestled with mine. 

My hands went for his soft dark brown hair. Just giving him chilling sensations. His hands trailed down my stomach and towards my underwear. He teases me first making me wanna lose control and he takes them off.

This is what love felt like...

The Next Morning

I woke up in Jacky's arms once again. I was fully nude and so was Jacky. Then memories from last night came in my mind and I smiled. I turned around to see his face while he sleeps. My legs were sore from the sex last night. Guess he went a little too hard hehe.

30 minutes later, Jacky wakes up and kisses my nose. "Morning angel. Had fun last night?" He asked with a smirk. I giggled. "Yes I did handsome.That had to be one of the best nights of my life." I said while hugging his bare chest.

Jacky put some pants and gets out of the bunk. He gives some clothes to wear before I could get up.  After that, I went to the bathroom and so did Jacky. Then we went to the kitchen so I can get my coffee. I look outside and it looked a bit better but it was still raining. Jacky was making french toast for the both of us.

I go to my laptop and check my Twitter to see what's new. Most of my friends were on vacation or with family. I favorited, retweet, and answered some fan questions. It keep me a bit busy until Jacky was done. Then Jacky finished and sat next to me on the small table. 

Then i was looking at tattoo drawings and it get Jacky's attention. "Love, do you want another tattoo?" "Yeah but maybe we can get one of those couple tattoos. A small one if you want." "I think that's a good idea, but let's not go overboard on it." "No problem." I said as I look at some examples.

Since we're getting back to LA soon, we both can go to one of the tattoo shops in downtown. If I get lucky enough maybe Kat Von D can tattoo me.

We made it to the next city and the bus got parked in the back of the venue. Most of the men got out and started setting up the equipment for the show tomorrow night. I got the boxes for the merch table and set it there for now.

I've fallen for you and I don't want to let you go.


Sorry if this is kinda short but it's my sister's birthday and I'm going out later. But at least I updated a bit. Things got interesting for those two ;3

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